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*Third person's POV*

*Martina was suddenly interrupted*

Cande:Mhm.Sorry but couldn't help but hearing.You have a beautiful voice

*Cande sat beside her and Martina smiled and thanked Cande*

Cande:Something seems to be bothering you

Martina:No no *nervous*

Cande:You can tell me you know

Martina:I'll talk to you later

*Martina runs back inside and bumps into someone*

Martina:Oh sorry

?:It's fine.Hi I'm Diego

Martina:Um I'm Martina

*Martina and Diego shake hands*

Diego:Are you new here?

Martina:Yes and you?

Diego:Kind of

Martina:What do you mean?

Diego:I don't permanently live here

Martina:Still not following

*Martina sits and Diego sits next to her*

Diego:There's a program called "La maison" where the shelter put us in normal houses and provide us with everything we need and take good care of us and every weeked one of the supervisors comes to check on us,so I don't come here often


*Stephanie comes to Martina and Diego*

Stephanie:Aw I see you met someone new,Diego

Martina:Yes and Stephanie why didn't you tell me about the program "La maison"

Stephanie:You were new here.I didn't think you'd like it

Martina:I love it!Sign me up please

Stephanie:Okay right away

*Stephanie went from Martina and Diego*

*The next day*

*Martina was just dropped off at her new house.It a beautiful big house,with a view of a tiny lake with a basketball court outside*

*Martina felt so blessed but yet so sad,since ofcourse her parents died and she didn't have them beside her experiencing this lovely moment*

*Yet,Martina didn't let that let her down because she figured that in the end,her parents aren't there anymore but forever just in her heart.She decided she needed to move on*

*Martina started singing happily in the new house while looking outside with the sun shinning on her and her chestnut brown eyes sparkling*

*While Martina was singing,she heard a movement on the stairs behind her.She turned around and saw Cande and Jorge*

Cande:Hi martina!

Martina:Hi.What are you guys doing here?

Jorge:uh your voice is nice

Martina:uh thanks

*Martina blushed a little at jorge's complement and Jorge smiled a little*

Cande:Martina we live here!What are you doing here?

*Martina was so surprised*

Martina:Uh I joined the "La maison" program and they brought me here.

Jorge:Aha I understand now.Everyone that joins the program is put with two other people in the same house.So Cande,Martina must be the third person that will join us as Stephanie stated

Cande:Yay we get to be house-mates

*Cande hide Martina and Jorge so tight that both of them were face to face*

*They locked eyes for a few seconds but then looked away*
Happy new year!💐❤️
Follow me on instagram @tinistoriesyay 🌸

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