Chapter Two

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When Blossom came to, she was in an infirmary, but not the one from the California Base. She sat upright, but a nurse gently pushed her back down.

"No, Agent B. You have to rest up before you go back to work in New York. Fury wants you in tip top shape for what's happening." The nurse said. Blossom's eyes went wide, and she tried to process what she had just been told.

"New York? Why am I being reassigned there? And what do you mean, 'for what's happening'?" Blossom asked, but the nurse shook her head.

"I can't tell you anymore. Director Fury's orders. All will be revealed when you reach the Helicarrier." The nurse said, and she left. Blossom tried to wrap her head around everything in a short amount of time. The Helicarrier was where Maria worked when she wasn't stationed in New York, so she'd be able to see her sister after about two years of being apart. That was probably the only good thing about this new setup. When she was sure the coast was clear, Blossom stood up and staggered a bit. She regained her balance and checked her surroundings. Everything was new here, and she had no idea where she was. It wasn't the Helicarrier, that's for sure. That's where she was headed, and then there was a knock on the door. She jumped, and a man entered the room.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm Agent James Carter, from the New York base. You're in a S.H.I.E.L.D transport jets." The man said. Blossom relaxed, but she remained standing. James walked towards her, and Blossom didn't know how to react.

"Dr. Felicia will make a full recovery. The bullets have been removed from her legs, and we are currently researching what caused her mutation." James said, sitting on Blossom's cot. She looked at him, and he smiled up at her.

"Agent, I never quite got your name." He said, standing up and walking over to Blossom.

"I'm Agent Blossom Hill, from the California base. What base are you from, Agent Carter?" Blossom asked, and James smiled.

"The same base you're being transferred to. New York. But, there are some other problems we're facing at the moment. There's a war to be had, and we need another Hill that can help us out with these, problems." James said, taking Blossom's hand and bringing it to his lips. Blossom jerked her hand back and wiped it off on her pants. James chuckled and turned to leave.

"I do hope we get the chance to work together in the future." James said, winking at her and then leaving the room. Blossom took his spot on the cot and sighed. He would be a handful, that's for sure. The rest of the ride was smooth, no turbulence whatsoever, and Blossom was very thankful for that. She gets airsick easily, something that ran in the Hill family. That, and carsickness and seasickness. Maria got it real bad, like the time the family went on a cruise, and Maria spent the first hour she was up puking in the tiny bathroom they all shared. Blossom's phone started ringing again, and she answered it on impulse.

"Hello? Hey Maria. Yea, I'm better than I was before. You're timing was poor last time. Actually, I was going to call you. I'm on my way to the Helicarrier. I can't wait to see you. Listen, I gotta go. I'll see you soon sis. Bye." Blossom said, and she hung up the phone. She slipped the phone back into her pocket, and she checked for her belt. It wasn't around her like it should've been. As she stepped forward, the jet landed, and she lurched forward, onto the ground. She hit the ground with a thud, and she grunted.

"Blossom, we've arrived." Agent Carter said, passing by her room. He stopped, seeing her on the floor, and he reentered the room. He held out his hand, but instead of waiting for her to take it, he set it under her arm and lifted her up onto her feet.

"You okay, Agent Hill?" James asked as Blossom yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"I'm fine. And it's Agent B, Agent Hill is my sister. And don't touch me. I don't need your assistance." Blossom said, not wanting his attention. James backed off a bit, and he left the room. Blossom noticed her belt was on the table next to her cot, so she grabbed it, slipped it around her waist, clipped it, and left the room.


"Right this way, Agent B." James said, leading Blossom through the twisting halls of the Helicarrier. Finally, they made it to the bridge, where both Director Fury and Agent Maria Hill stood, talking.

"Director, Agent Hill, Agent B." Agent Carter said, stepping aside to let the two see Blossom. Fury nudged Agent Hill, and the two women ran over to each other and embraced one another.



The two women hugged each other tightly. James had left the room, and Fury had turned his attention back to several monitors and the Agents on the lower level.

"It's been too long Blossom. Gran wishes you'd visit more often." Maria said, making Blossom laugh. They let go of each other and laughed, just like old times.

"Well, Gran has to understand that I'm a busy woman." Blossom said, putting her hands on her hips.

"You know, she wants both of us to settle down. I've tried talking to her, but she won't listen."

"She never does Maria. We can keep trying until the sun burns out, but she'll still be stubborn." Blossom said, and Maria nodded.

"You two ladies can go catch up with each other. We've got everything under control." Fury said, waving them off. The two girls walked out of the room, and Blossom looked at Maria, as if to ask, 'Is he being nice?' and Maria's look just seemed to scream, 'Let's not ask.' The two girls walked down the hall, and they stopped at a training room.

"Want to spar?" Maria asked.

"Always." Blossom said, grinning wide. They entered the training room and took off their S.H.I.E.L.D jackets so they were both in plain black tank tops.

"Ready when you are, sis." Maria said, smiling.

"Maria, haven't you leanred by now? I was born ready." Blossom said, and the sparring match began. Maria and Blossom both ran at each other, and Blossom slid under Maria's legs.

"You know how things around here are getting crazy?" Maria asked, dodging Blossom's right hook.

"Yea, why?" Blossom asked, flipping over her sister.

"Well, you didn't see it, but Agent Romanoff brought us Dr. Banner, and Steve Rogers is aboard ship. They showed up a few hours ago. I think Banner is in his lab, and Steve is just somewhere." Maria said, jumping to the side and avoiding an uppercut. Blossom dropped to the ground, rolled over to her sister,and did a sweep kick, and it sent Maria to the ground. Blossom stood, and she held out a sweat hand to her sister. Maria took it, and Blossom pulled her up.

"You still got it." Maria said, and they laughed.

"I wanna meet these people. When can I? If I'm stationed here for a while, I ought to meet em'." Blossom said.

"Fury wants them all back in the main bridge by tonight, if things go as planned. But, I'll let him debrief you on everything. There's a war going on. A global catastrophe." Maria said, grabbing her jacket. She also tossed Blossom her jacket, which she snagged. They didn't bother putting them back on, and they left the training room, feeling like they. were on fire.

"You bunk with me. Fury's orders."

"Maria, just like old times."

They grinned, and Maria led the way to her room aboard ship. They deposited their things on the beds, and Blossom took off her belt. Her gun clattered to the ground, and Maria picked it up.

"Grandpa's old Glock 9?" She asked, And Blossom nodded. Their grandfather taught them how to shoot a gun when they were ten, Maria being ten and Blossom being the younger ten year old.

"God, I miss him." They said together. Before they could do anything else, Fury's voice entered both of their earpieces.

"Agents, please report to the bridge." He said, and the two nodded at each other. They slipped on their jackets, and Blossom put her belt back on, slid the Glock 9 in its holster, and they left the room to walk to the bridge.


Here's chappie two! Please vote, comment, and most importantly, enjoy!

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