Chapter Seven

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Steve and Tony were the first to get up, and they looked at each other in a panic.

"Put on the suit." Steve said, and Tony scrambled up.

"Yeah." He groaned, and they stumbled into the hall. Steve paused when he heard a groan. He looked down and saw Blossom, curled up into a ball, writhing in pain. He crouched down and tilted her head up so that she could look at him. He picked her up and helped her into a standing position. The back of her neck was bleeding, and she felt dizzy. 

"Let me down. I gotta... I gotta go find Maria." She mumbled, leaning on Steve. He propped her up and put his hand to the back of her neck, applying a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding. Blossom snapped out of her daze, and she realized how close she was to Steve.

"I have to get to Maria! Go, go with Tony!" She said, and Steve nodded. He made sure that she was fine before running off to help Tony. She shook her head and ran off to the bridge to find Maria. The two sisters saw each other and ran at each other.

"Are you hurt?" They asked in unison. They looked at each other, checking for injuries like they did when they were kids, and then they both got to work. 

"Just like old times?" Maria asked.

"Just like old times." Blossom agreed, and she made sure to have her gun cocked and ready. Blossom began to worry about Steve, and how far a drop that was if the Helicarrier jerked one way and he couldn't grab anything in time. One wrong misstep could kill him out there, and she wouldn't know what to do. 

"We need full evac on the lower hangar bay." Fury said, and Maria and Blossom started to walk away up the platform. They were walking along when something rolled by their feet.

"Grenade!" Maria and Blossom yelled, but they weren't fast enough to get out of the way. The grenade blew up, and it sent them both flying over the railing and onto the ground. Without anyone noticing, they both got up, the gashes on their foreheads identical and bleeding. They picked up their fallen guns, and as one last hostile was all set to fire at Nick, they both fired their guns, hitting the gunman. Blossom smirked, and she kept her hand on her gun. She and Maria had to tag team like they did when they were younger, during paintball fights. They shot, rolled, shot, rolled, and repeat. 

"Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart!" Maria yelled, firing her gun after she rolled away from Blossom, who also fired another shot.

"Get his attention." Fury said.

"Escort 6-0, proceed to Wishbone and engage hostile. Don't get too close!" Maria yelled over the gunshots.

"Maria, you're insane!" Blossom screamed at her sister.

"What choice do we have?" Maria yelled back.

"None." Blossom said, defeated. She fired her gun again, and she thought of Steve. Fury shot a few more gunmen, and Blossom bit her lips as a bullet whizzed by her head. 

"They are not getting through here, so what the hell..." Fury started, but another explosion from the inside cut him off, and it sent several agents flying. Blossom dove out of the way, and she rolled so she was in fighter's stance, on one knee, her Glock 9 aimed and ready to fire. An arrow whizzed through the air, and it locked itself into one of the computer's sockets, shutting down all monitors. It caused the rotors to malfunction, and engine one shut down. The Helicarrier started to fall, and several agents tumbled to one side. Blossom grabbed onto one of the seats, and she worried about Steve. If he fell, she hoped that Tony would save him. Maria and Blossom shared a look, and they looked at each other's gashes. They went as far as to grin and mouth 'just like old times' before returning to their serious statures. Thanks to Tony, they were back in the air suddenly, and hers and Maria's wounds were being tended to.

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