Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning came faster than anyone had expected it to. Blossom was the first one awake in her and Maria's room, like she used to be when they were kids. She hopped up and started to to get dressed, her excitement barely contained. Maria's eyes opened, and she saw her sister bustling around.

"You know, you never really changed." Maria said sleepily. Blossom laughed, and Maria stood up and stretched. Maria got dressed, and Blossom brushed out her hair. Her natural curls bounced into place, and Maria put her hair up into its normal bun. They looked at each other, and Blossom couldn't keep the smile from her face.

"You excited for New York today? I'll be joining you in a week. And a few agents from the CA Division will be joining you. I believe hey know you. Just know that you're co-head of NY Division, and they can't order you around." Maria said, and Blossom nodded. She had a feeling she knew who the other agents from CA were people she knew. 

"I'm just sad that it'll be a week until we see each other again. We've been apart for too long." She said, and Maria set her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Don't worry sis. It'll go by fast. Now go. And I got you your motorbike back from when we were sixteen. It still works, FYI." Maria said, and Blossom grinned. They hugged once last time before Blossom left the room, and walked straight into someone. She stumbled forward, but a hand reached out and gripped her forearm. She blew hair out of her face and saw her hero of the morning.

"So sorry Mr. Stark. I'll be more careful next time, if there is a next time." She said, standing.

"Trust me, Ms. Hill, there will most likely be a next time. After all, I am Iron Man." Tony grinned, and Blossom laughed.

"Then I look forward to it." She said, and Tony nodded. Then, they walked their separate ways, and Blossom ran into Steve next.

"Getting ready to go?" He asked her, and she nodded. 

"Yeah, it's exciting. You getting ready to send the Troublemaker back home with Thor?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'll have to admit it, but I'm gonna miss Thor. I think I'll miss everyone here. At least I'll get to see you again." He smiled, and Blossom looked at the ground, her face heating up.

"Y-Yeah. Here, I'll give you my cell, and my apartment address thingy. Swing by soon, or later on today, or whenever. It doesn't matter." she rambled, scribbling her number and address on a piece if paper she'd pulled from her bag. She handed it to Steve, and he took it, smiling.

"Agent B, Captain Rogers, everyone's getting on the jet to take you to Central Park. You'd best be getting on with the rest of them. Your modes of transportation have been brought to Central Park as well." Fury said, and the two nodded. They walked down the hall together, and Steve carefully intertwined his fingers with Blossom. She looked down at their hands and smiled a bit. This could work out just perfectly.


"So, I guess this is goodbye?" Blossom said to Bruce, shaking his hand.

"It would seem so. But, I think we'll all meet again soon." He said,and she nodded. Blossom hugged Natasha and Clint goodbye, Tony shook her hand, and she looked up at Steve.

"Well, I'll see you soon, I guess. Be careful, and take care." He said, and she nodded.

"You too Rogers. You too." She said, and Steve leaned down and kissed her softly. She raised her hand to cup his cheek, and she kissed him back. When they pulled apart, everyone else had gone, leaving them alone. Blossom picked up her bag, kissed Steve on the cheek, and walked over to her motorbike. She had rebuilt it when she was fifteen, so it had a basket-type thing attached to it. she put her bag down in it, and she hopped onto the motorbike. Steve got onto his motorbike, and she revved her engine. They looked over at each other, and she blew him a kiss before setting off out of the park and down the street. Steve left after her, but he went the other way. Blossom rode down to 42nd Street and pulled up to the first apartment building on her left. she pulled the bike into a parking lot, took the keys out of the ignition, and pulled her bag out of the basket. She switched over to the apartment key that Fury gave her the night before, and she walked inside. she climbed up the stairs up to floor six, and went to apartment 6D. She unlocked the door and went inside, and the whole place was furnished. It was perfect for her. There was a living room with a nice brown couch, brown chairs, and a small coffee table. Against the wall, off to the side, was a treadmill and a set of weights. The kitchen had dishes, cups, silverware, and dish rags. The small dinning area had a regular table with two chairs, and a smaller version of a chandelier hung over it. Blossom walked to her bedroom and set her bag onto the bed. It was a king sized bed with a nightstand on each side. There was a lamp on each nightstand, and a nice painting with the word 'Imagine' on it. She smiled, and she started to unpack. She took out her toiletries and walked over to the bathroom and she set them in the proper spots. She walked back to the bedroom and put her clothes away, and kept her pajamas out.

"I think I'll like it here. I'll head to base in the next week or so, meet Maria, and adjust to this new life. It can't be that hard, can it?" She asked herself as she moved about the room, cleaning up and rearranging. Her cell buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello? Oh! Hey Steve. Yeah, I'm home and getting settled in. You make it back okay? Oh, that's good. Everything at your place in one piece? Oh that's pleasant. Yeah, the apartment's nice. I like the furniture. Would you like to come over tomorrow? I know it's kinda sudden. I don't know. Any time really works. Great! I'll see you some time tomorrow. Bye bye." Blossom said, a smile spreading across her lips. 

"Looks like I'll be seeing him sooner than I thought. Perfect." She grinned, and sshe slipped her phone back into her pocket. She had a sorta date, and she had a feeling it was with the first guy she's ever been sorta in love with.

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