Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"No Maria, everything went well. He really enjoyed it, but I think someone may have sent him a.... friend." Blossom said over the phone the next afternoon. She was talking to Maria about the present that someone had sent Steve.

Neither of them were expecting to find a cardboard box with air holes in the sides from the supposed local pet shop. But, the thing they weren't expecting most was inside the box. When Steve brought the box inside, the last thing they were expecting when he lifted the lid was a small, orange-furred, grey eyed tabby kitten, looking up at them. The first thing the kitten did was push the box onto its side and then, it dashed out into the apartment. Blossom and Steve shared a look before Blossom's phone rang. She rushed to get it, leaving Steve on kitten-roundup.

"We have some ideas as to who sent it, Tony being number one, according to Steve." Blossom smiled, shifting to hold her phone against her ear with her shoulder. In the other room, she heard a thump, and she glanced over to see Steve, face down, on the bedroom floor. And then, she saw his shield go skirting by him.

"Maria, I'm gonna have to call you back." Blossom said before hanging up on her sister. She set her phone on the kitchen counter and walked over to Steve. She crouched beside him, and he glanced up at her tiredly.

"Kitten giving you some trouble Cap?" She asked, and he groaned.

"It got under my shield, spooked itself out, and started running. I tried to catch it, but it knocked my feet out from under me." He grumbled, sitting up. Blossom pressed a kiss to his forehead and stood up slowly.

"I'll take care of the kitten. You go check the box to see if there is a name, and who sent it." She smiled, and Steve stood. He kissed her cheek and went to go check out the box. Blossom crouched down and saw Steve's shield. It was shaking slightly, so as fast as she could, Blossom crawled over and picked up the shield. The kitten looked up at Blossom with its big grey eyes, and her expression softened.

"Aw, come here you." Blossom said soothingly. Slowly, the kitten walked over to her, and Blossom reached her hand out in a gentle manner. The kitten looked at her hand for a moment before allowing Blossom to pet its head.

"There you go. It's okay." She said softly, and the kitten stepped closer. It allowed Blossom to pick it up, and she stood slowly. She was still petting its head as she left the bedroom to go find Steve. He was standing in the kitchen, inspecting the box with a frown.

"Something wrong Stevie?" Blossom asked, and he turned to face her. He looked down at the cat, then at Blossom, and finally at the box.

"It's not what we thought. It's for you." Steve said, and Blossom's eyes went wide. Steve picked up the box and brought it over to her. She read the label once, twice, three times, and she almost dropped the sleeping kitten.

"J-James sent it to me? But how? How did he know I was staying here?" Blossom whispered, feeling her legs grow weak. Steve rushed to her side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He led her to the bedroom and lowered her onto the bed. 

"It's not really an 'it' anymore, but rather a 'he'." Steve said softly, and Blossom looked up at him. He smiled softly, and Blossom looked at the kitten in her arms. It didn't seem dangerous, but she couldn't tell with James. 

"Do you want to keep him?" Steve whispered, and Blossom bit her lip. The kitten looked so precious in her arms, and it would be a shame to send it back. Steve moved to sit beside her, and she set her head on his shoulder.

"You won't be mad if I say yes, will you?" She asked softly, and Steve shook his head.

"In all honesty, the furball is kind of cute when he's asleep in your arms." Steve chuckled, and Blossom laughed softly.

"Then, I think we should keep him. And he needs a name." Blossom said, smiling down at the kitten.

"How about the name of that fat cat from the Sunday Comics you showed me? Garfield?" Steve offered, and Blossom shook her head.

"Nah, this cutie's orange and white, not orange and black. How about... Creamsicle?" Blossom suggested. Steve smiled, looked at the kitten, looked back at Blossom, and wrapped his arm around her.

"You are so adorable, you know that?" He asked, and she blushed bright red. He chuckled, kissed her cheek, and squeezed her shoulder gently. The kitten opened its eyes slowly, and it yawned.

"Yup, Creamsicle it is." Steve nodded, and Blossom giggled. Creamsicle tilted his head and lifted his paw up before swinging it back down, landing just before Blossom's chest. She blushed and moved his paw, and Creamsicle meowed softly.

"Looks like I'll need to go out and get, um, cat care supplies tomorrow." Blossom said softly, and Steve looked at her.

"Should we go together?" He asked, and Blossom shook her head.

"And leave this fuzzball alone after he single-pawedly took you down by using your own shield against you? I don't think so sweetheart. You stay here with this furry troublemaker, and I'll be in and out and back home quickly." Blossom kissed his cheek, and he pouted. Creamsicle got up from Blossom's arms and made his way over to Steve's lap, where he curled up into a little ball and proceeded to sleep. Steve looked down at him, and then at his girlfriend.

"This means he might like you. Don't disturb him, because I am not having him de-clawed." Blossom stood and left the room, leaving Steve alone in the bedroom, a kitten on his lap.

"Something tells me you're gonna be a lot more touble than we expected." Steve mumbled, gently stroking the kitten's fur. He felt his eyelids growing heavy, and Creamsicle began to purr while on his lap. Steve smiled, and Blossom came back into the room. He looked at her and motioned for her to come back to bed and cuddle with the 'puppy dog pout' on his face. Blossom sighed, shook her head with a smile, and walked back over to him. He pulled her down next to him on the bed, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. Blossom giggled softly and ran her fingers through his hair, making him hum in content. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, and she felt Steve pepper soft kisses on her neck. Blossom relaxed into the feeling, and Steve smiled against her skin.

"I love you." He mumbled against her neck, and Blossom shivered.

"I love you, too." She whispered, closing her eyes and feeling Steve kiss along her neck once again.

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