A Brief Break of Day

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I opened my eyes. A pale long arm was stretched along my chest, another wrapped around my waist. I looked behind me in curiosity for a moment, forgetting what had happened the night before. As I had turned back to face forward Shane tightened his grip on me. It was still dark out. I fell back into my abyss.

My eyes snapped opened and I woke up in a cold sweat. I couldn't move, and through the corner of my eye I saw that Shane was gone. I looked over to the corner, knowing the routine. There it was. Though I saw the damned thing everyday it still scared me the same way a monster would scare a child. It walked over to me. I tried to scream, but all that came out was muffled. I tried to thrash my limbs but I was paralyzed. It walked over to me again and got about two inches from my face. It stared at me. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn't even do that. I screamed and then I snapped. I was able to shoot up, back to reality. Shane was resting on his elbow looking at me.

"Hey-Hey, hey." He called out to me in a voice as sweet as caramel. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I buried myself into his chest and opened arms. This was it: this was the moment I was going to break.

"I-don't know" I said as I started to sob.

"You probably won't even believe me." I said trying to laugh through my mess of my emotions. Shane sat there with eyes that spoke for him, just gently saying 'talk'.

"Well, there's this thing? Spirit? Demon? I'm not to sure what it is." It's been haunting me since a bit before Jen left. Haunting me at night and sometimes during the day." Shane didn't laugh at me like I thought he would. I knew he didn't believe in this kind of stuff because he didn't care about it during the investigation.

"I don't know why it's attached to me, or why it does the things it does. It just scares me-and-and-." I trailed off, wiping my eyes. Shane hugged me and patted my back. He gently trailed his hands on my back tenderly. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't worry Ry. I'm here." He insisted to me. I felt comfortable. I slumped my head on his shoulder.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"I don't know" he said slowly.

"Got a watch around here?"

"In my jacket." Shane leans over to the other side of the bed, the side I slept on and pulled out my watch out of the pocket of my tan trench coat.

"3:24." He says and chuckles.

"Sorry for waking you up." I say and bow my head down. Shane laughs.

"It's fine. As long as you feel okay." His words melted me like butter. I laughed at how sweet the words were. Shane pulled me back down to bed in his arms, and pulled me close to him. He buried my head in his nape, his chin resting on my head. It was there where I drifted back to sleep to the rhythmic rub of Shane's hand in the back of my head.

I woke up again, still in Shane's arms. It was the best way I had ever woken up, and my body showed it. Shane chuckled. I rolled over to check my watch again. 5:57. I shot up.

"We're late!"

"Ugh, don't worry about it." Shane said and pulled me back to bed.

"Shane we have to get to the boss' office! It's 5:57! It's a ten minute walk from here!" Shane just groaned in response.

"Okay." Shane accepted in defeat. He got up and followed in my steps, quickly putting clothes on.

Shane and I burst out of the door. We started running to the office but I was falling behind, so he grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him. He ran so fast because of his freakishly long legs. We got there in about 5 minutes. Shane slammed the boss' door open. I was trying my best to breathe.

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