1 - Body

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"ah, you fool. You didn't listen."
Loki shook in Thor's arms, getting more pale by the minute.
"I'm a fool."
"Stay with me brother. I will tell father what you did here today."
Loki looked a Thor, sadness in his eyes. "I didn't do it for him."
Loki fell back, his eyes rolling back in his head. He stopped moving all together.
Thor yelled in pain, the thought of loosing his brother at the hands of a dark elf was devistating.
Thor looked at his brother for a minute, calming down.
"Jane, I will take him to my father, then we will go back to defeat Malikeith."
"But Thor-"
"You have my word. Loki must pass on properly, at the hand of water and flame."
Thor grabbed Loki's body and held up his hammer. The bifrost formed around him and they were flung upwards by the rainbow light.
Something hit Thor as he flew up, knocking Loki out of the portal.
"What? No!"
Thor landed on the rainbow bridge, but Loki was missing.

The illusions stripped off as Loki hurtled down the New York skyline. He saw buildings around him getting closer and closer and saw he was about to hit an alleyway.
He crashed against a wall
And hit the ground on his side. He heard a snap and felt immediate pain in his chest. Loki tried to stay awake but he was too weak. Loki passed out in that dark alleyway, with nobody around that heard him crash into the concrete.

"Sir, there's something you might want to hear about."
Tony woke up to the sound of his personal A.I.
"Not now Jarvis, it's, what time is it?"
"12:30 sir."
"Damn it Jarvis! Why would you wake me that early?"
"There's been a life form detected in the sky near the tower."
"Probably just a Bird."
"It was going at 90 miles per hour."
Tony sat up. All he had on were a a pair of boxer shorts, so he got dressed and walked out of his room.
"Jarvis, where did it land?"
"Between a coffee shop and an apartment building, sir."
Tony walked into the elevator and took it to the base of the tower. He walked down the street  until he found a coffee shop, called Super Coffee Co., And an apartment building. There was a gate in between the buildings that was ajar, so Tony opened it and walked in.
The alleyway was thin and damp, and Tony wondered how anything could fall into it if falling at an angle. Then he got his answer.
There was a large crack in the apartment building's wall, and below the dent there was someone in green who looked like they had just been through hell. Tony originally thought to just bring them to a hospital, but then Tony identified the person.
Loki. The same one who attacked New York about a month ago.
Tony felt fuious. He thought to just leave him there to die. But he got an idea. He could interigate Loki, to see why. Tony originally thought this was a bad idea, but if the God is that weak, he won't be able to attack him. So Tony went over to see what was up with the trickster and how it happened. This actually scared Tony.
Loki's one leg was snapped foward, his face had a huge cut in the side and Loki was laying in a puddle of blood.
Tony actually felt really bad for Loki. Mostly because everything was broken, and also for hateing him earlier.
Tony then checked Loki's pulse. It was bad. His heart was still beating, but it was extremely slow.
Tony had brought his Bluetooth along so he could access Jarvis.
"Jarvis, send me one of my suits."
"Yes sir"
One of his suits came flying at him from the tower. Tony did this so he wasn't caught carrying an almost-dead body down the street. Especially if it was dripping in blood.
Tony carefully pick up Loki, and flew up to the tower. He landed on the boucany outside, and brought Loki up to his lab. He put Loki on a table and attached a breathing mask to his head. Then he put a few rags against Loki's wounds to stop the bleeding.
Tony pulled his old cell phone out of his pocket and called Bruce.

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