27 - Stalling

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"the hell was that?"
Loki wiped his mouth and slung his arm against Tony's back, who helped him up.
"I remembered something else."
Steve interjected. "We can't mess around. Ultron knows we're comming. Odds are, we'll be riding into heavy fire. But that's what we signed up for. It's the people of sokovia who didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace. That's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. We'll get the job done. Find out what Ultron's been building. Find Romanoff. And clear the feild. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters. We're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch dropped out of the Quinjet to evacuate everyone from Sokovia. Scarlet Bewitched everyone to exit the city, and Quicksilver got the police ready for the attack.

Banner snuck into Ultron's lair (the castle from the fight against Hydra, remember that?) To rescue Natasha.

"Your man's in the church, boss."
Tony flew over to the church at the center of the city.
"I think he's waiting for you."
Tony landed on the floor of the buildings with a Clang.

"Come to confess your sins?"
"I dunno, how much time you got?"
"More than you."
Ultron, towering over Stark, stepped towards him thretaningly.
"Uhh, have you been juicing? A little vibranium cocktail? You're looking, I don't want to say 'puffy'-"
"You're stalling to protect the people."
"Well, that is the mission. .....did you forget?"
"I've moved beyond your mission. I am free."

A large vibranium cylinder emerged from the center of the church. It clenched to the ground, breaking the concrete floor.
"You think you were the only one stalling?"

"There's the rest of the vibranium. Function; still unclear."
"This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time."

Dozens of robots emerged from the ground all over sokovia like zombies. Some started flying, some just crawled. A couple of bombs went hurtling through the air.
Tony flew away from Ultron.
The robots immediately started attacking. The Avengers started fighting them back. Scarlet witch helped the remaining sokovians evacuate, but was struck by one of the robot copies.

The red humanoid robot hovered down in front of Ultron.
"My vision. They really did take everything from me."
"You set the terms, you can change them."
Ultron grabbed Vision, but vision dug his fingers into Ultron's head.
Ultron was disconnected from the internet.

Steve defeated one of the copies.
Thor took on multiple at once.
Quicksilver ripped apart about five in an instant.
"Friday, the vision."
"Boss, it's working. He's buying ultron out of the net. He won't escape that way."

"You shut me out!"
Vision had become unconscious. Ultron threw him to the floor and flew over to the metal cylinder at the center of the church.
"You take away my world, I take away yours."
He spun something on the top of the it.
A crack started emerging around the city. The city started moving upwards. Loki managed to save a woman from falling to her death.
"Sokovia's going for a ride."

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