Chp. Thirteen

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Peter POV
-a few hours after that shit because I don't feel like writing it again-

I feel someone jumping on the bed and I assume it's Ellie so I open my eyes. "Hey," I look up at them and see wade jumping on the bed and I groan. Of course it was him and not Ellie. I pull the covers over me, "don't get mad at me baby boy, your the one always complaining about school and it's time for you to go. Your already late." I get up and sigh, rolling out of bed and putting on some of wades actually washed clothes. I grabbed my back pack and made myself I coffee. "I'll see you later ok?" I kissed wade on the cheek and he nodded. I put on some make shift web shooters and jumped out of the window. I made it to school a few minutes late and put away the shooters, walking into class. The teacher turned around and looked at me, writing something on a piece of paper then going back to the lesson. I quietly sat down in my seat and ignored the flares from everyone. Over the past few months me and some of my old friends got back together and started hanging out more. I mainly hang out with MJ but not Gwen and Henry as much. MJ has all of my classes so she was the only one not glaring at me. She threw me a piece of paper with 'sit with me at lunch' written on it. Wade had to stay with Ellie for the day and he couldn't make it to lunch so I nodded. After the way to long of a day and stares and threats, I went to sit outside at the side of the school. MJ was waiting there and I sat down next to her. "Hey peter, so what's going on with you? You've missed a lot of class and you came in late today." I sighed and started eating my lunch. "Just a friend annoying me and not wanting me to come to school." I haven't told her about Wade and I'm not planning to unless she asks. "Just a friend eh? Are you sure about that?" I blushed a little bit and sighed. "Technically yes a friend," She groaned and took my hand. "Hey what are you doing!" She held up the ring to my face and gave me that stop lying to me kind of look. "Fine I'm dating someone ok?" I took my hand back and she started guessing a million different names. "Are you and Gwen back together? That one girl in our math class? Science? Study hall?" I shook my head to all of them until she ran out of ideas, "ok I give up just tell me already!" I sighed, "it's no one in our school and different gender." I blushed a lot and finished my lunch, MJ gasped, "well how am I supposed to know!" I laughed a little and sighed. "Sit with me tomorrow and you'll find out. Don't be intimidated he's like a foot taller then me." MJ started asking me a lot of questions in a very small amount of time. "Sooo how long then hmm?" I sigh "about a year and more then a half." "And I haven't found out?!" I shook my head, "remember when flash got knocked out? Yeah he was picking on me and he may or may not have knocked him out." MJ went wide eyed and looked at me "ok remind me not to make jokes around him then, and he is very protective." I laughed and nodded. "You are very right, and don't worry, Wades sense of humor is spastic." "Ooooohhhh wade hmm?" I swore under my breath. "Yes, not just hush ok? I don't want everyone knowing about this. And not Henry and especially not Gwen. I don't want her to think I dated her for nothing. And also, I did like you for a long time but we broke up because I found out I was gay but I then dated Gwen to make sure just- don't tell her." MJ nodded and got up. "Bell rung, come on." I followed her and we made our way to the next class. After school, I went back to wades apartment and crawled through the window. "Wade?" He popped his head around a corner and looked at me. "Hey baby boy, how was school? That dickhead better have not touched you." I smiled a little. "Nope he is scared of me now buuuut, tomorrow you have someone to meet. It's one of my old friends and very old ex." Wades expression got a little bit angry  "no no no I don't like her wade, I'm still gay nothing has changed," I went up and kissed him in the cheek. "She is the only other person who knows I'm spider man ok? She's nice just don't get mad." Wade nodded and came around the corner. He was wearing a cheap small pink dress with at least 9 inch heals and a crown. I sighed and rubbed my face with my eyes. "Three questions, one, did you do this for Ellie, two, where did you even find a dress that fits you and three, why can you walk so well in heals?." I looked up at wade and now I have to look straight up to see him. He grew like a whole foot and I sighed when music started playing and Ellie came around the corner. They both ran and danced around the room and I groaned. What have my life come too, watching my boyfriend and his kid, dancing around in heals in a dress. After a few more minutes of this, they both got changed and wade took Ellie back to her grandmas place. God I hope he won't be like this tomorrow.

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