julius's mate

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kai's p.o.v

does my life have to be a roller costar my soulmate is the next king of the werewolves julius berkmen and derek just had to try and show off he was more worried about my safety then caring about the alpha that wanted to test his power how the hell is he my best friend the ball room is packed with people wanting to meet blaire and noah i focus on my breathing to keep calm "are you okay mate" julius asked rubbing my back "yeah just don't like big crowds that's all" I smiled sadly 

"hey now need to be sad" julius smiled hocking his finger under my chin lifting my chin so i am looking straight into julius eyes "I'm sorry I don't mean to" I whimpered the lack of sleep finally crashing as tears run down my face "shh hey what's wrong cupcake" julius asked hugging me tightly "I don't want to be here with all these people" I shuddered shaking like a leaf luckily no one as noticed the crying means I'm in "do you want to go to my room to calm down a bit" julius asked tugging me into a hallway 

"yes please" I whimpered clinging to julius as if he was a life raft "this way I was never one for balls anyway" julius said leading me to his room the walls were jet black with white trimmings around the age of the walls with a king sized bed in the center of the room with a balcony "are you feeling better now" julius asked following me around the room slowly 

"yeah sorry about that you can go back to the ball if you want" I whispered looking at this cream carpet "it's not really my thing I would rather stay here and get to know you then go out there and try to look like I'm enjoying myself when in reality i'm not" julius said taking a seat on his bed "wanna play 20 questions" I asked sitting on the floor in front of julius 

"sure you go first" juilus said leaning back on his bed "um favorite holiday" I asked playing with my fingers "it would have to be Halloween or valentine's day how about you" julius asked sitting up and taking off his coat he wore over his button down "valentines day or Christmas your turn" I said feeling my cheeks flush with colour 

"hmm been on a date with anyone" julius asked putting his coat on a hook then walking to a door and opening it " yeah horrible idea and I blame my sister for it because she forced me to go even thought I told her I was gay but nope that wasn't happening any time soon so I went on this blind date with a girl i didn't know the girl turns out to be my sisters best friend we had dinner then I dropped her off and bolted home how about you" I said 

"not really most of the women that tried to asked me out I turned them down most of the time but I did go on one date with a guy he had no idea who I was it took place at a bar about 10 minute walk from my hotel so I walked to the bar when I got there he was completely wasted and off his face while making out with some random guy when he finally noticed me he asked who the fuck I was and demanded that I get out of his bar before he beats me to death" julius said playing with his fingers 

"really" I asked shocked "yeah your turn to ask a question" juilus said taking his button down off "one place you would love to go" I asked averting my eyes from his god of a body i noticed some tattoos on hi back and chest and his 8 pack "yeah i've always wanted to go to Las Vegas" julius smirked staring at me "that would be cool i've always wanted to got to the Yellowstone national park" i smiled 

"i guess we could always to both things at once " juilus smiled walking over to a set of draws then opened them and grabbed out a black skin tight top and put it on "yeah we could your turn to ask a question" i laughed i was actually having a good time "what makes you insecure" julius asked putting on a black v neck shirt and taking a seat on the floor

"um my body is something i've always been in i don't like talking my shirt off and i just hate the way i look really" i said sniffing a bit "i think you look gorgeous" julius smiled looking up at me "what about you juilus" i asked wanting to avoid the subject for a little while "telling people about my past i hate to think about how people will judge me" julius said looking at his lap 

i stand up and walk around julius before sitting behind him "what are you doing kai" julius asked watching me i don't say anything as my hands trail down julius neck to his shoulders i add pressure to my hands giving julius a massage "just relax " i smile as julius slouched relaxing into my stomach "you don't have to kai" julius groaned his shoulders slouching 

"i want to now let me" i smiled as someone knocked on the door "come in" julius said standing up and opening the door to see the king "i see you haven't changed son now i want you back out there in half and hour and get rid of that boy" the king glared at me "and why would i get sid of my mate father" julius growled his eyes glowing a golden yellow 

"your mate" the king asked looking at julius wide eyed "yes and the reason i left is because i didn't want my mate to have a panic attack" julius growled standing in front of me hiding my from his father "my apologies julius i didn't know i'll tell your mother you weren't feeling well" his father smiled as i wrapped my arms around julius's waist 

his shoulders no longer tense feeling my body against his own "thank you father if you don't mind my mate and i will be going to bed now" julius said as his father nodded his head before walking away julius shutting the door "lets go to bed little one" julius smied picking me up and walking to his four poster bed with red bedding on it and letting me fall onto the bed 

"you can keep your clothes on if you are uncomfortable" julius said taking off his shirt and put it down at the bottom of the bed "i don't mind" i blushed taking off my shirt my lean torso glowing with a slight bit of sweat i climb into bed  juliu...

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"you can keep your clothes on if you are uncomfortable" julius said taking off his shirt and put it down at the bottom of the bed "i don't mind" i blushed taking off my shirt my lean torso glowing with a slight bit of sweat i climb into bed  julius climbs in after me wrapping his large arms around my slim waist pulling me into his chest i slowly fall asleep to the sound of julius's heart beat

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