danger in hell

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blaire's p.o.v

its been about 4 hours since derek had a go at julius I've locked myself up in the room my parents gave derek and i julius had left the ball with kai and i have no idea where noah and keith are i pull out my diary sincde i havent wroten in it for a while i pick up a pen i found in my bag and started writing 

dear diary 

things have been quite dizzy lately derek is as paranoid as ever about me being pregnant and nearly ready to give birth and noah is so exited to be an uncle i can't wait for my baby's to get here I am just hoping I dont mess up and can be a good mother since I spent most of my life alone and without anyone to lean on until I crossed into dereks terratory I meet my mate who would be the father to my kids and my husband 

I havent seen derek in about 4 hours since he had a fight with my oldest brother julius over his beta who is julius mate kai I can honestly see why derek is upset kai is like a younger brother and to see him mated to Julius may up set him but he needs to get over it and grow up and stop acting like a child and start acting like a man 

well diary i must sign off for today                                                                                                                                   blaire

i sighed putting my diary away and stood up i unlocked the door and opened it i look down at the ground to see derek shifted and laying in the middle of the door way "really derek" i asked my hands on my hips derek looked up at me blinking his tail tucked in between his legs he whimpered standing up "lay back down" i said not in the mood for derek i walked around him and walked outsdie with derek by my side 

i sat down on a bench derek at my feet close enough where i could feel his warmth but far enough away since i was still made at him and he knows it "blaire" kai called waving as he jogged to my side followed by julius "hey kai" i smiled as they both sat down ignoring derek who was wanting some attenchion "is derek in trouble luna" kai asked as julius sat down on the floo at kai's feet "yes he is" i chuckled "what did he do" kai asked running his hands through julius's hair 

"he was basiclly picking a fight with julius because he was being selfish for wanting you to stay in the pack when your mate is here" i said crossing my arms "i dont blame you sis" julius smirked at derek who growled at juluos " quite derek" i said derek went quiet laying back down "julius" kai said glearing at juilus 

"im sorry kai" julius smiled noddig his head "just dont do it again" kai said lookign back at me "of course kai" julius said "im going to go get something to eat" i said standing up derek jumped up standing next to me "your to stay ere derek im sure i can get some food by myself" i said as derek sat down with a huff 

i walked back into the castle following the sent of food to find the kitchen i walked into the kitchen craving some apples i go to grab an apple from the fruit basket when i hear a click the click of a gun "who are you" i asked taking a bite of the apple "my name is nate colten" he grumbled still pointing a gun to  ym head "so nate why are you pionting a gun to me head" i asked turing around to face him 

"because i have been garanted a lot of money if i bring you to my master" nate said stepping closer to me "oh really nate so you would kidnap a luna for some money" i asked crossing my arms them leaning against my stomach "yes i would"he said grabbing my arm and shoving me forward "why who put you up to this" I asked letting him push me outside away from anyone "I am doing this because I have been ordered and by who that you don't need to know just yet" nate growled as a portal opened up and he shoved me through it

Derek's p.o.v
"Blaire has been gone to long" I said looking at kai "she has been gone a long time" he agreed standing next to me "I'm going to find her are you coming" I asked looking at kai "yeah you may need some backup" kai said following me into the kitchen "she's not here" kai mumbled looking around the kitchen "no and I can smell someone sents in here with blaire that I don't know" I growled "it could of been a maid" kai suggested "no it smells like a rouge" I said walking up to julius's room and knocking on the door "come in" julius grumbled opening the door "have you seen blaire" I asked him crossing my arms " no I haven't why" julius asked sounding worried "I think blaire has been kidnapped" I said sighing now of all times "are you sure derek" julius asked "positive" I said as julius growled "then we better start looking for her" he said leading kai and I to where his parents were "what's wrong julius" his father asked seeing julius growling as he walked up to them

"blaire has been kidnapped" he said crossing his arms "how do you know this son" zayan asked looking at julius and I "blaire said she was going to the kitchen because she was hungry after an hour I became worried about her so I went to look for her and smelt a rouges sent in the kitchen along with blaire's sent" I explained

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