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The Kanto Champion stops for a moment, and place his hand over his pockets, feeling something is wrong and put his hand inside his right hand. A line of realization flashed across his head like a blur.

"Crap, I left all of my Pokémon other than Charizard with Cynthia..." He took out his flask, and sip it. "This isn't going to be good. I'm screwed." Then, he shove his left hand into his pocket, and found Gardevoir's Pokéball.

"I've been been training you for only one night with Charizard, I hope you are strong, enough to be out there, girl." Corvus said, and walk out of the tunnel.

"Welcome back, everyone! We're gald to know that the whole trail is over and can continue our tournament! Woohoo, now let's cheer our favorite Champion back to the League!" The announcer said excitedly, everyone soon screams with excitement, happiness, and joy. The most loudest was telling females, as they squeaks out of affection, happiness, and love, as Corvus pushed his bangs behind.



'I swear, he kills 245 girls with one stone.' Gary thought with envy, looking at the blushing Georgia even when she doesn't have any feelings for Corvus, she was caught into his handsomeness after he flips his bangs backward.

"You have a crush on him, right?" He asked to Georgia, who glares and punches his shoulder.

"No. He is handsome and attractive, but I had no feelings for him at all."

"I was messing with you. Sorry."

"Oh, my. When I first meet him, he looks not so handsome and attractive, but now, geez. And I saw a lot of magazines with pictures that Corvus is now the number one on "the more handsomeness man ever in the world"." Sabrina said.

"Damn! He's nailing that handsomeness into reality!" Green squealed, shaking in excitement, blushing slightly.

"Maybe, we should focus on the match."

"Paul, it's been a while since I've last saw you." Corvus said, his expression was serious, because of yesterday's event.

"So? I finally got the chance of humiliating you after all these years. I can tell I'm stronger than you." Paul said confidently. Corvus took out Gardevoir's Pokéball, and enlarged it.

"We'll see about that. I'm going to used a Pokémon that I had just for a few days. So, yeah. Let's go."

"Go, Magmortar!"


Both Pokémon were released out of their Pokéball, and send out their battle cry, getting into their stance. "Magmortar used Flamethrower!" Magmortar fired a stream of fire at Gardevoir, as she looks over at Corvus.

"Block it with Light Screen, while you're doing it, used Calm Mind as well, two times." She nods her head, and a light yellow appeared in front of her, while calming her body down, increasing her Special Attack and Defense, before using Calm Mind again.

"Great. Magmortar, Hyper Beam!" An orb of orange energy forms in front of Magmortar's mouth, as he tilted his head.

"Gardevoir, can I count on you that you can one-shot him." She look at her Trainer, and smiled, which he smiled back. "All right. Used Psychic!"

Gardevoir's eyes glow light blue, and she crosses her arms. When she opens them, two light blue waves of energy fire at Magmortar, dealing tremendous amount of pain on him as he reeled back in pain and cried out, not defeated yet.

"Calm Mind, again! Then, used Double Team!" Gardevoir closes her eyes, she quietly focuses her mind and calms her body down, raising her Special Attack and Defense one fold, before she starts to made copies of herself around Magmortar.

The Misfortune ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now