Parted, but good

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Hey there world :D

So HUGE THANKS to @SuperwholockPJO for the shoutout for this book in her's
Percico: From Highschool to High and Mighty


Kay, 'm not saying much for now, to the story :)

Btw, I'm not making Annabeth a bitch or sth, she is still gonna be Percy and everyone's friend.


Annabeth's POV

I was in my Yankees's cap when Nico di Angelo thought that I was "out of sight". I noticed that Percy's cabin window was WIDE open, that's why I made to it to see what's up to Nico and him.

Surprising enough, Nico was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, and that was the reason why Percy and Nico was "hanging out" with each ogher so often these days.

I sorta feel guilty for shouting at Percy now, I knew something was bothering Nico and he finds Percy for a good reason, but I didn't realise that it was THAT serious though.

Then, I sae the both of them kissing... not like tbe brotherly cheek-cheek kiss, the couple lip-lip one though.


Percy's GAY?!

No, Bi to be exact.

I won't "confront" Nico as I did in other fan-fics though.

I wonder how Rick Riordan found out about us demigods and monsters and stuff though I thought he was a mortal, but everything he wrote in his Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus series are like 100% exact. And I am sure that fan-fics saying that I will take revenge on Nico for having Percy is certainly a no-no.

Anyways, I think I ought to tell them that I know. I feel like intruding their privacy, but I hope Percy will for give me for what I have done, and we can stulk be friends, not nowhere like we were... a few minutes ago?

They stopped kissing now, and was ready to go somewhere? I don't know. I ran to percy's cabin door, took off my Yankee's cap, and knocked on it.

The talking stopped, and I heard footsteps. The door opened, and there stood Nico di Angelo. His eyes were sort of scared, like I would beat him up or something.

"Umm hi Nico, can I come in? I would like to talk to you and Percy. Is is okay or... am I interrupting?" I wss really nervous I DON'T KNOW WHY.....

Surprising enough, Nico let me in and welcomed me with a smile. DID HE JUST SMILE AT HIS BOYFRIEND'S EX?

On the floor leaning against the bed was Percy, looking surprised? Or was that surprised with a bit of anger in it? I'll go for the second one.

"What brings you here?" Percy asked.

Nico was the one who spoke. "She wants to talk to us."

"Umm yes," I said. "I want to first apologise for what I said to you a few moment agao Percy. I was being stupid, and I realized my faults. I hope you can forgive me for what I've done and please keep our relationship as a long-lasting friendship. I know gettin back with you is an impossible thing, as I realised both of your 'conditions' now." I stopped, Percy wass stunned, Nico was blushing. "I'm sorry," I added.

"No no it's fine Annabeth, I was just... wow. Sure we can be friends, and I am sure Nico here will not object. I see you have eavesdropped on us though... haven't you now? It's okay, I won't say anything about it." Percy's reply was surprising as ever.

"Thanks Percy."

"But I want to ask you something, and would like you to do me a favour. Is that possible?" Nico asked, his face not as red anymore, but was very, very serious.

I nodded.

"So I suppose you know that Percico is a thing now right? Would you mind helping us keep a secret. And by that, I mean it. No one else should know. Not Piper, not Hazel, not Leo, just the three of us, at this stage okay?" Nico asked.

I glanced at Percy, and nodded.

My heart may be hurt, or even broken, but seeing my friends happy especially after I hurt them, I feel that I deserved it, and won't give a fuck about it.

"Another thing, I suppose you know about my lungs... Please keep that a secret too, I will have Jackson tell that to Sparky and that is it. Promise to duct-tape your mouth abouth those?"

I snickered at the statement. But I made a sincere nod.

"If either one of you catches me telling others or eventually finds out, throw me back down to Tartarus and make e live with Arachne." I said. This thought made me shiver and all of us laughed.

I figured even if I lost my love, but seeing him being happy with another, I feel as happy as I will with him.


Was that too cheesy and stuff xP

Well I may be updating again today, if not, hopefully tomorrow as I will be off for a five-day trip to Singapore. I won't be able to update the story until I get back home.

Soooooo seeya and please vote, comment and even PM me for reviews or anyrhing you want to tell me :)

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