The argument

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It was easy for me to set up the title, but by reading it, obviously it is not a nice chapter xx

Well my blue cupcakes, the cow says moo, TO THE STORY!

The pig says oink.


Percy's POV

After I got back from Olympus, I went to the infirmary at once. Nico was fast asleep at that time. I then went to the medicine section and sae Apollo and Charmaine working on Nico's cure potion.

"Lord Apollo? I would like to ask how long ago did Nico start sleeping? Just wanna see if I can do other stuff and come back later." I asked. I still have to tell my mum about all the things.

"Oh! Nico has been asleep for only half and hour. Expect him to wake up after an hour or so Perce" Charmaine replied.

"Two. He will be awake after around two hours." Apolli said. "Let him sleep, I put a small amount of sleeping potion in his medicine, it is good for his body at his health status." Apollo said.

"I see. Thanks Lord Apollo, thanks Charmaine. If Nico wakes up or anything, please call for me." I told them.

"Anytime cousin." Apollo smiled.

I smiled back and walked away to my cabin.

I set myself onto my own bed. I took a nice cool bath, and slept for a while. It was exhausting heading to Olympus and back.

I think it was an hour or so when I heard someone call me.






"Mm!" I shot up from my bed after my heart got attacked by the calling.

"Percy, your mother's here." I finally realised that it was Annabeth calling.

"Oh... okay, thanks Anne."

"Don't call me that PJays."


"Oh let me remind you. Your mum was not quite happy when I told her that we broke up."


"Because I asked her to."

It is my mum.

"Mum, Mr. Blofis." I greeted them.

"Thank you Annabeth." My mum said. They hugged and she left my cabin.

I can sense that something is bothering my mum.

She sat on my bed, I got on the floor and my step-dad took a seat on my favourtie blue stool.

There was an awkwark silence, then my step-dad spoke up.

"So, how's camp Percy? Is it good? Any special stuff happened?"

"Nothing much. I broke up with Annabeth around five days ago, we are okay. By the way, how did you guys get in here?"

"With the help and request of your father Perseus." My mother gave me a glare.

"What's wrong mum?" I really don't know what had happened.

"What do you think?" Her tone was dangerous.

"Just tell him already Sally," My step-dad said. "Its no use, he really doesn't know."

"Why did you not tell me that there was a war againt Gaea? Why did you not tell me that you broke up Annabeth? Why did you not tell me you lost your memory? Why did you not tell me you went on this quest for the past months? WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU FELL DOWN INTO TARTARUS?! WHY PERSEUS WHY? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WAS I? I did not revieve IMs nor letters, and you did not come back. Why did you no-"

"Mum, calm down please." I cut her off. "Let me explain."

"Oh so you think I can calm down now after months without knowing what happened to my son now eh?"


"Go ahead and give me your explaination then Perseus."

"I did not remember anything suddenly and I was not at camp then all because of Gaea. I found the Roman Camp, got with Hazel and Frank, and just realised I was one of the Seven, it is something I cannot avoid mom! I then realised I was in the quest. I NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO TELL YOU BECAUSE I DIDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING AND DID NOT KNOW THERE IS A THING CALL IRIS MESSAGING. I then got back together with Annabeth. Then on the way retrieving the Athena statue, we encountered Arachne, and she pulled Annabeth down into Tartarus. O cannot leave her, and I went with her. We closed the Doors of Death. We defeated Gaea then, and got back to Camp."

I did not understand why my mum would be so angry with me. Like it is all my fault for losing my memory, and like it is my fault for being part of the Seven saving the world.

"Then why did you not IM me when you got back to camp, why did you not tell me that you broke up with Annabeth? Speak Percy. Look at me? Why?"

"Mum, me and Annabeth are no longer in a relationship because: one, she changed, no longer the sweet and caring Annabeth, but harsh and a bit selfish. Two I fell for another person."


"Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades, my cousin."

Both of them looked surprise.


"Yeah. You broke up with Annabeth and became gay, Percy." My mum said the thing I least expect

"WHAT THE HELL MUM?! So you are telling me that being myself is wrong. You are telling me that breaking up with a person whom I no longer like is wrong."


"AND LIKE YOU THINK I WOULD IF YOU DON'T? MOM, I AM ALMOST AN ADULT, I AM NOT THE LITTLE KID WHO STILL NEEDS TO RELY ON YOU. I HAVE MY OWN LIFE AND NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME FROM LIVING MY OWN. NO ONE WILL CONTROL ME DOING SO. NOT EVEN POSEIDON WILL. I know my things mom. NO ONE will stop me from "being gay" as you say. NO ONE will make me get together with Annabeth and NO ONE will forbid me from loving Nico."

I was on my feet now, heading to the toilet to cool myself up.

"Percy. Percy? Fine. If you really don't want to talk, I won't force you to. But you know, you can't hide everything forever." I can hear her voice crack. "And if you don't want to interfere your precious life, fine. But you don't do that to me as well. We live our own. Happy?" With that, I hear my mum and step-dad get out of the cabin and slammed the door shut.

I got out of the toilet, and checked the clock. Nico should almost be up by now.

I headed towards the infirmary. But something is wrong.

I cam sense a strong being inside her, and also my step-dad. My mum can get angry easily, but not unsensible like that. She will support everything I do. She will not hurt me like this.

And I remember something. Before I leave my cabin just now, I can see a really faint golden mist where starts from my bed o where my mum has sat, to the toilet door, and to my cabin door.

I can see her eyes shifting from her not-usual brown to a familiar golden colour and back again for several times, and my step-dad has the same thing going on with him.

I know now. They are not my real mum and step-dad.

It's Kronos.




I had this idea when I was in a taxi heading back home after Lego Land. Hope you guys will like my story following up.

Please vote, comment and PM me for reviews, thanks :)

Tata ;D

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