The dream aka Vision

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Kay yay here's the chapter.

Sorry for not updating :(

So I think it will be better if I put the prophecy at the start of each chapter so you guya can catch up easily. :)

"Two shall go and one be back,

to find the place where he had risen.

To find the deceased, 

and to find the cursed.

Son of the sea will stand alone,

And fight the fatal battle to defend all homes."


Nobody's POV

Percy woke up after two weeks in the middle of the night on a Friday, body drenched in sweat and shirt stinking. Nico was beside him, sleeping on the chair beside Percy's bed with a cast on his arm. When he moved, he absently dropped a cup from the nightstand onto the floor and woke up Nico, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"Percy? PERCY! OH MY GODS THANK THE GODS PERCY!" Nico's eyes were filled with tears again, but happy and relieve ones this time. He flung himself around Percy's body and kissed him on the lips.

Of course, being out for 2 weeks, Percy did not know how long it had been.

"NIco? I was out for only a few hours and that's it, isn't it? Why are you so scared?"

"TWO WEEKS PERCY TWO WHOLE WEEKS! You had been out for two whole weeks okay? You were sweating sometimes and sometimes you were out cold. Ugh. Percy, these 2 weeks was just ridiculous for me." Nico rubbed his arm where the cast was on.

"What happened to your arm Nico?"

"Well that is for you to explain why you suddenly uncapped Riptide and tried slashing everyone who was trying to stop you from doing so these two weeks." Nico said.

"But my pen is h- ohhh..." Percy tried to get the pen from his pocket, but then found it on the floor next to his bed in front of Nico, stained with dried blood of his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Nico... I didn't know..."

"Hey its okay Percy. Just tell me what exactly happened. Curious, you know."

"Its Kronos."


"Yeah Konos got into my dream."

"Okay tell me what happened."

Percy's POV

And so I told Nico about my dream...

I woke up on a damp floor where everything else was like pitch dark. And there was Kronos' spirit there, holding back Thanatos.

"YOU GAVE US AWAY THANATOS, YOU BETRAYED US. We saved you once already and yet you still do this to me, to Nico. How could you?" I tried being brave, but still couldn't hold back some tears. I wiped them off with my arms absently.

"Hey you brat listen up. This is war, THIS IS WAR! No showing mercy. You be nice, you still need to fight. Get it? Got it?! GOOD. This is a god here I am holding back, and he will serve me. Pay some respect." Kronos gave me the wicked smile.

Thanatos looked hurt. "Perseus, I'm sorry. I never get paid well in the underworld. Yes. I am a god myself, but I still need to help Hades and so he pays me, no surprise. I was blind when Kronos said he will pay me way better and that's why I went to his side. Help me... please Percy." Thanatos looked hurt and sorry. I believe he is a good guy from our last encounter with Hazel and Frank retrieving the eagle for the Fifth Cohort in Camp Jupiter.

"SHUT UP!"  Kronos cried. He punched the weak Thanatos in his face and Thanatos was down, lying flat on the floor. 

"NOW We fight, Perseus!"

I put myself together and uncapped Riptide. I can tell Kronos was messing up with time.

"And lets see your puny little 'friends' get worried sick of their puny so called 'hero'!"

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I sneered.

"Oh nothing much really, just speeding uo time a little bit. But don't worry, they won't even notice. Now, anymore questions?"

I charged. Kronos may be a spirit now, but I tell you: he is starting to get back his flesh with his dark magic plus some help with Hecate as she is hepping Kronos. So, Kronos can actually hold his spear and kill me anyway he feel like.

Golden blood trickled down from the gash I made, but it healed almist immediately.

"Ha! Now you know what happens. Come here and bow before me or your friends will not live."

"Never! Yo-"

Kronos then made a gesture and I felt tugging from all directions. I felt stabbing on my back, but somehow I felt it bounce off. I suddenly felt familiar from after bathing in the Styx. But I am sure the River Tiber washed off my Achilles Blessing... what?

Kronos seemed as shocked as me.

"Wha- Perseus," he gritted his teeth and hissed.

I figured I should just stay the way I feel in the meantime and just keep fighting...

Suddenly, a heard screams from behind me, not scared screams... but more of screamings of bloody murder. We turned and saw the camp... outside. There seemed to be a boarder or just something like that. And I was trapped.

"Don't worry Percy dear, your friends won't be able to help you here, let them scream all they want, I just need you."

His body turned translucent, no flesh, no blood. His spirit then became a trail of golden mist and I... fainted.

>back to reality<

"Yeah, so that is basically what happened. I thought when Kronos said he made time go faster, it will only be a few minutes or hours, never knew it was... that long."

"That's not good." I heard Chiron's hooves as he walked into the infirmary.

"Hi Percy. How are you feeling?" He greeted me as he got next to my bed on the other side. 

"I guess I'm fine? Still can't really get what is going on." I said honestly.

"Natural." Chiron nodded. "You better get prepared now. That was only a vision, and I can tell you: You will be having a tough time fighting Kronos once again, Even tougher this time. I can't tell you what will happen to you, but it will definitely not be good, so I suggest you not to get too worked up.  You will have to train of course after two whole weeks, and I tell you: you have a week at most, put yourself together. Nico, you too. You know what is coming up and so you have to train."

"Yes Chiron. But wait. What does it do with Nico. Don't tell me..." I said.

"Yes Percy. I am coming with you on this quest. Do not complain, I have a feeling I have to come with you. Chiron also thinks so. But this is your quest, and you have the right to rebel against this." Nico said calmly, but I believe him in doing choices.

"Nico, you are coming with me." 

"Good." Chiron said. "Okay, I won't um... disturb you two for now, you have a night. But... don't be too loud though." He winked at us and left, with Nico blushing and me wide-eye. 


Woot Woot yay.

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