With Dad

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Gods be praised.

No Wifi (internet) for 4 days straight.

I have been writing the stories at Singapore and update them when I got to the airport (cause there is super strong wifi lol)


Okay soz guys. The story.


Percy's POV

I can't believe Hades was being really nice to me.

He gave a whole 15 minute lecture on taking good care of Nico and how he will throw me down to Tartarus and live with the gorgons if I don't when I'm dead.

We three talked and laughed. Then we went to their Cabin accompanying Nico packing stuff to stay at the infirmary for a week or so.

Now. All that is left is to tell my dad and my mom.

I requested going to Olympus with Hades through shadow travelling to safe time so that I can check on Nico again as soon as possible. He said it was fine and we got there in like... five minutes? Three? Whatever.

Uncle... Kay yeah Uncle Hades called for my dad, and he got there, in a new pair of Orange Hawaiian pants and a white shirt saying Poseidon Ψ the coolest... wut.

"Hey bro. Hey son. Wassup?" Dad gave Uncle Hades a bro-slap on his arm and gave me a bear hug.

I looked at Hades and he gestured me to tell him.

"Ah... um... Dad I- I um... Well you se-"

"What is it my son?" He glanced over to Hades. Hades went over to my dad, and said something to him. I had my fingers crossed in my heart, because dad's face didn't look happy.

"Percy, come here." I did what I was told.

"Percy, I know what happened. I know everything. But I want you to be honest to me," he said to me. "Please Percy."

Poseidon's POV (HA LOL)

"Percy, I know what happened. I know everything. But I want you to be honest to me, please Percy." I don't know why my son is hiding facts about himself from me.

He know that he is my favourite son, he knows that I suppport him no matter what. Him being gay does not make a difference to me, its just that there is another part for me to love him.

Perhaps he is... embarrased to tell that to people. But people will eventually know, he cannot hide that from people for his whole life can he?

"D-dad, I'm g-gay. Wait no bi to be exact. I am in love with Nico, your nephew, my cousin." He finally spoke. "I think you ought to have a right to kow that, and that's the reason why I wish to talk to you. I feel that IM-ing you will not be enough, that's why I came to you in person."

"There we go!" I exclaimed.


"Why did you hide that from me?" I asked, curious.

"I-I thought being a gay son of the Big Three is a disgrace, dad, you see. I thought this will ruin your reputition and That is not what I would like to happen to you dad."

I was astonished. I never knew that my son would say that.

"But Percy, you know that you are my favourite son, you know that I will suppport you no matter what. You being gay or bi whatever, does not make a difference to me, its just that there is another part for me to love you. Don't have to feel shameful, scared, guitly or blah blah blah because you are being yourself, alright?"

I patted my son on his back and he smiled, "Thanks dad for... everything." I smiled back and said, "No problem, my Fish Prince."


And the three of us all laughed.

"Okay nephew, time to head back to camp now alright? Nico's waiting." Hades said.

"Okay. Bye dad." Percy gave me a hug.

"Bye son" The two of them dissapeared into the shadows, and I head back to my Undersea Palace.


Kay, short chapter, sorry.

Lego Land was no fun except from the really huge rollercoaster there. I was there writing stories, like the whole time xD

Kay bye guys, luvya all and remember to vote, comment and PM me for anything ;)

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