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Ayano Aishi is a second-year student at a private co-ed school in Tokyo, Japan. She is a second-year in a co-ed school called; Kashikoma High School, when her parents tell her that they will be moving back to Buraza Town.

Despite, having to say goodbye to all her friends, Ayano doesn't make it difficult for her parents, Ayano agreed to whatever her parents say and didn't make things difficult.
Ayano had said her goodbyes to get friends, before she got into her parents car and left her childhood home, friends and neighborhood behind as the moving company was packing away all the boxes and other items away in a moving truck before going off to Buraza Town.

10 hours later, and the Aishi family made it to Buraza Town, where they will start their new lives. And unknown to Ayano, but her parents are having her; along with the headmaster and school board of one of the local high schools, be part of an social experiment....

To see if the males of Akademi Boy's High School are ready to start allowing girls.

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