Maybe this Time

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The brunette looked around the club seeming to be uninterested of being in this room, when her best friend, Jesy, nudged her on the shoulder

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The brunette looked around the club seeming to be uninterested of being in this room, when her best friend, Jesy, nudged her on the shoulder.  "Are you seriously not gonna go to the dance floor and dance?"

Jade shook her head. "Nope. I don't even know why I'm here when I'm supposed to be worrying about my company which is currently losing sales."

"And that's exactly why we're here. You're too stressed out that your brain is barely functioning and not getting inspired," her friend rolled her eyes. "You should have fun and maybe try to get some tonight."

"Nope. Not gonna happen." Jade stood up and grabbed her purse. "I'm going home instead. I feel sick being here anyway. I'll see you on Monday at work." With that, Jade earned a disappointing sigh from her friend before she started making her way to exit the club.

The moment she stepped out of the small building, she released a breath which she didn't know she kept. She usually enjoyed partying, clubbing and drinking but tonight just wasn't the right time. She did want to get her mind off things but not this way. She has caused herself enough trouble and going home drunk with a terrible hangover the next morning isn't going to help.

Jade's current company, Badwi — one of the finest tailors in London, had been studied to be losing sales due to their new competition, Drew's.

Jade has never been so passionate about anything in her life but running this tailor. Ever since she was younger, she had always wanted to take over her father's business and do what he does best. Design. But when her father died from cancer, she was even more determined to make him proud. Her mother, Norma, on the other hand, had always been supportive and never tried to interfere whatever Jade wanted to do with their business. Norma trusted her daughter as she knew Jade was as wise as her father.

Jade was just about to walk over to her car when she heard someone call her name.


When the brunette turned around, she never would have expected to see the woman she hadn't seen for such a long time. A big smile, however, was formed on her face.

"I knew it was you," the woman smiled as she walked closer to finally give Jade a hug.

"Perrie. It's nice to see you. You look really great."

"Thank you. Not too bad yourself," the blonde smirked. "I saw you earlier but you were about to leave so I decided to follow you to just say hi. It's not that weird, right?" Perrie chuckled nervously.

Jade laughed. Same old Perrie. "Of course not. I'm actually glad you did. So...Hi."


They both burst out laughing even if it wasn't that funny, but that was just them. Jade and Perrie were the bestest of friends when they were both in High School. Jade had a crush on Perrie but she didn't really do anything about it. When the brunette came out as gay, people thought she and Perrie were dating because of how inseparable they were. They both denied it but everyone else shipped it. However, when they graduated, Perrie had to move to America with her father, leading them to separate for god knows how long. First few years, they were still keeping in touch through calls or video calls but when they both got busy, it slowly just faded until they just don't talk at all. No fights just life.

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