Chapter 2

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edit: Beluga and Spring aren't mentioned in the winglets because they don't attend the academy, they just dropped Flounder off :^

The dragonet clutched his head, growling in frustration and pain. how. does. say. a mindreader. survive school? all these rambunctious thoughts everywhere, echoing through Quietkeep's empty head. he never thought so much. his intelligence was like a gift from whoever controlled this world, or maybe his past life self decided to grant this poor excuse for a dragonet two fantastic powers. anywho, he never had to think that much, and quietkeep would really consider dropping out from school if his clanmates turned out to be the most annoying creatures bestowed upon this world.
flicking a squinted glance at the slate above the door, quietkeep was relieved to see his name there. please — PLEASE let those teachers understand that 'quiet' in a name was a clue toward what a certain dragonet needs to survive sanely.
his wings dropped and rose and fell again when he analysed his room — three nests, one had an IceWing in it, fantastic, and a SeaWing, fantastic. except that it wasn't because that SeaWing looked exactly like the image of 'Urchin' in the one SeaWing's mind.
at least that IceWing seemed chi— nope, nevermind. the moment quietkeep settled down on the last nest available, a literal large bird's nest of twisted, woven twigs and branches with, fortunately, a soft cushion plopped in the hollow in the middle, that IceWing turned his head to glare at the nightwing. not as harshly, or not as eerily and threateningly, as permafrost, which was good, but a terrible choice of clawmates nonetheless.
hopefully they'd get a peaceful sleep before they began classes. more hopefully still, these two wouldn't be in Quietkeep's winglet. in fact, he could check that right now. they seemed active, probably checked theirs already whilst Quietkeep tried to keep a shelf up in the library, which he exited immediately after with a few scrolls. he'd enter them to be checked by Fennec later.
am I seriously in the same winglet as this weird seawing? look at how smug and posh he is! not even a prince and he's bossing everyone around. I wonder where permafrost is. I swear if someone bullies her— actually, she'd hate me protecting her... she'd probably better off without me distracting her from protecting herself! I'm not surprised she's at the top of the Gift of Order. had she been through the diamond trial before...?
too weird and moony. quietkeep decided to try and stay away from those blinding words. yes, they were audible, but so BLINDING.
what about urchin?
—pearls in the sea, kelp is so ANNOYING! while I appreciate the warning about a weirdo, why.. of all times... when I'm talking with Beluga and Spring? she should know that when I'm talking with... uh, the PRINCESSES she should back off! wouldn't want my reputation ruined by a low-life.
quietkeep stepped into his bed and sat up, reaching for a scroll on the rack beside his nest. he wondered how interesting those were — more than the entire history of Pyrrhia? while, yes, usually it was boring with only war and war and more war, some massacres were exceptionally interesting: albatross's insanity, darkstalker's legend, darkstalker's rise to power, the war of sandwing succession, all these normal dragonets that saved the world...
no. that wasn't quietkeep — if you don't socialise, you don't get friends, and if you don't have friends, you don't get pulled into unnecessary drama. being a nobody in someone's life was the best thing: nothing could happen to you! you're practically always safe!
quietkeep rested his head on the puff in his nest, sighing. an entire day of reading scrolls! classes didn't start till tomorrow, so WHAT could go wrong? the IceWing grumbled in his alcove in the wall, scraping at the wool and leaf padding. what was he thinking about? STILL permafrost?
apparently it'd changed since just before that NightWing's return. didn't she say she'd been sent there before? she didn't tell me what was there! of course, she killed— what's his name — snowstorm? apparently Queen Vixen, permafrost and her parents returned at the crack of dawn. she must've killed snowstorm very quickly. can she teach me? I hope we attend the same fighting classes. wait — what if they put us against each other? would she hurt me? probably so.
still about permafrost. boring. time to go back to reading about the NightWing past.

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