Chapter 17

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''Alright, everybody, time for our weekly hunting trip!'' Heron bellowed, swinging his tail from side to side. Like every MudWing, he loved food, including Bracken, who was at that very moment leaping around the class, the cave that the Jade Winglet had their first class in. Buzzard shook out her dark ruby wings, snorted a small flame from her nostrils and raced through the hanging lichen, diving out of the balcony. The auburn dragonet let out a small, excited roar and bounded after the much larger SkyWing.

Mango and Permafrost exchanged arched glances, which was then passed down with Quietkeep. Although the green RainWing still hated him, the slightly taller silver dragonet was warming up to Quietkeep.

''Excuse me, Heron,'' Raven asked a little shyly, though with more bravery than the tiny SandWing Quietkeep remembered playing the violin with. ''Are we the only Winglet to go, or will every one go?'' The pale yellow dragonet hopped when the teacher explained their new schedule and figured that it would be better for there to be an entire period for socializing with other dragons. The NightWing noticed, his ears flicking back nervously, that Heron's gaze had slowly traveled over him for a moment when he said that... so he noticed. Being noticed is the last thing I want. Permafrost asking help from me is drama enough in my book!

Flounder jerked her head at Raven, beckoning her over, and the clawmates followed Buzzard and Bracken. By the time he blinked twice, everyone was outside, winging it after Buzzard far away in the distance, circling over a group of mountain goats perched on an outcrop. With a running start and a swing of his powerful wings, Quietkeep jumped into the air, blinded by the bright light. The sky was clear, blasting bright light in all directions, warming up boulders here and there, little ponds and rock pools, the tallest peaks, a few reeds, muddier and sandier places near the water sources, sweet fruit blooming on the shrubs and hedges, the perfect place to spend for an entire hour. For every tribe except the NightWings. This much sunshine? Why would anyone want this much sunshine? It was mocking everyone for a staring contest, knowing very well that it had the infinite power of the sun on its side. Quietkeep enjoyed personifying things. He didn't have friends... so imagining that plants and sunshine and the moons and rocks and rivers had lives... it was weird but oddly comforting.

All the NightWings seemed to exchange a nod or two and swooped down toward a cave at the edge of the meadow where everyone else was having fun. It was dark, stalactites and stalagmites hanging and rising from the bare grey stone, glittering with the occasional jade fragment, something the very mountain was named after. Quietkeep landed first, instantly pinpointing an outcrop stretching from the wall, barely visible from his angle. The small dragon hopped on just as Voidmaster glided into the cave, his claws outstretched to tackle the scrawnier dragon off. The mindreader narrowed his eyes and quickly picked out the scenario from Voidmaster's mind, dodging with a graceful swing of his tail, smacking him right in the snout.

Voidmaster doubled back, staggering right into Shadowseather, the two males instantly growling and leaping to their talons, curling their snouts. Obviously, the bright sun had put all of them in a bad mood. Even Morningflower, who was usually so shy and friendly, was shooting glares at Swan, who was now jumping in the mud with the other MudWings. Or perhaps it was just a mishap in their relationship, who knew. Finally, right after Shadehunter's grumpy slither to the back of the cave, Sorrowsoarer stalked in, his shoulders dropping as he noticed Quietkeep curled up smugly on the outcrop.

From here, the dragonet had a great view of everything: Raven and Tumbleweed giggling as they bathed in the sunlight on the flat brown boulders, surrounded by the other SandWings; Mango searching through the bushes frantically, spreading her wings to protect herself from the sounds of Paradise smacking her lips as she stuffed her face with peaches; Bracken sinking into the mud, quickly disappearing among the other brown dragons, almost tripping Swan with his thick tail, who was now breathing in the scent of the reeds; Flounder sitting importantly on a boulder in one of the large ponds, shaking out her wings importantly at the other SeaWings to show the royal patterns on her wings, the sun reflecting royal purple off her scales into Quietkeep's eyes. Surprisingly, Quietkeep pinpointed Permafrost arching her back at Avalanche and Shiver as all the IceWings entered a cave opposite the IceWings, their wings instantly rising a little as they stepped into the colder atmosphere. Her ears flicked up unexpectedly, probably sensing Quietkeep's gaze penetrating her scales, and she whipped around, her eyes widening and letting out an ear-splitting roar.

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