Chapter 22

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Quietkeep felt a sudden jolt of pain in his skull and yelped, his talon flitting up to clutch his head. An image flashed in the darkness of his vision, Permafrost brutally tearing out Fennec's throat. A premonition. The dragonet felt panic rise in his chest and fought the urge to cower on the library floor, leaping up just in time to block Permafrost's sudden thrust forward. The IceWing hissed, hopping away and instantly up onto the shelf, clinging on by sinking her claws into the brittle, old wood. It creaked. The scrolls shivered.

Fennec let out a sudden outraged, shrill cry, her eyes seeming to be ablaze with black flame as she lunged for Quietkeep, her small white claws digging in between his scales. The NightWing yelled, whipping around and rearing, collapsing onto his back and spreading his wings to cover the floor, wriggling around purposefully on his spine as the SandWing spat and grunted under his weight. Using the moment for an opportunity, Permafrost sprung again, tossing Quietkeep away as easily as if he were made out of air. 

He landed with a thud, almost knocking another shelf with his wing and he blinked up to see the IceWing tackle the small librarian. What was shocking, however, was how well Fennec knew how to defend herself. 

Fennec writhed under Permafrost's clutches, pulling her lip back in a snarl and raking the dragonet's nostril with a flailing claw. A small spray of blue blood splattered at Quietkeep's claws and he scampered away from it, skidding to a halt beside Mango who was just watching calmly. Quietkeep glared up at her, disbelief jarring his brain. 

''Aren't you going to help?!" he yelped, pointing obviously at the two dragons with both of his talons. Permafrost pulled her face up and sank her claws into the SandWing's shoulder, a shrill cry emitting from her small golden jaws. The hybrid just glanced down at the NightWing with a dirty look, then back at the commotion in front of the circular desk. 

''She can handle herself,'' Mango mused, not looking back at Quietkeep, her teal eyes flashing in a little spark of amusement in their bright depths. Disgust and apprehension bubbled in Quietkeep's stomach but he decided not to interfere, forcing himself to believe that Permafrost could do it. She can fight off a little librarian, he thought to himself desperately. I wouldn't be of much help anyway! I can't stand up for her when there are fights, but I can for crowds- actually, no, I can't. That's- His head snapped up, his ears alert. But he did do it. He did stand up for Permafrost when the entire academy was against her. Was he growing... no, he probably just got used to these dragons by now. He'd been in the academy for weeks, after all.

A hiss of fury erupted from the desk and his attention was snatched toward it; Fennec had lunged forward and grabbed Permafrost's neck, her small claws pricking into her scales, the snake-like hiss coming from her. Mango actually flinched and her claws twitched, as if toward that brutal axe tied to the belt hanging from her cloak and waist, but she didn't touch it. Not even NOW? Did she know about perfect timing or was she that one dragon who couldn't process things with a high enough acceleration before it was too late? Quietkeep didn't dare touch it, though. He couldn't even begin to dream about what would happen if he did.

With a surge of triumph, Permafrost leaped back and leaped and reared wildly, flapping her wings to disorientate that clinging dragoness on her neck. Her eyes darkened when Fennec flailed, her claws scraping to get a better hold and leaving indentations in shimmering silver scales, ultramarine blood welling at the fresh wound. Permafrost shrieked in agony, her roar so loud that the globes above swayed ever so gently and Quietkeep was sure someone must've heard it. She ducked her head and stared at Fennec, a vicious snarl contouring her snout and she snapped at the librarian's small claws. 

Quietkeep glanced up at Mango again, his talons tapping on the floor uneasily. He felt a little urge to go leap into action for once in his life and actually help Permafrost though it would be practically useless. 

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