Katniss's Daughter: The Hunger Games

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Chapter 1:

My name is Sopia Mellark and im 16 years old.


today my mom had me pulled out of history class. my parents say i cant go back for the next week and a half but wont tell me why. they do this every year but never give me a good reason for it.

"Dude! Sophie! your the Mellarks kid?" my friend Lacy asks when she walks out of history class.

"yeah? why?" i ask curiously.

"they're awesome! why werent you in class today?" she says.

"i dont know. my parents always pull me out of history at this time of year and they never tell me why! it bothers me. i think they're hiding something!" i sneer more to myself then her.

"oh.....well got to go! bye Sophie!" she says rushed before walking away quickly.

now im sure theres something i dont know and they dont want me to.


i grab Axl and head home, determined to end this when i get there.

"Mom! Dad!" i shout angrily up the stairs.

they come down the stairs hand in hand and look calm as always.

"what?" Dad asks casually.

"why does Lacy think you guys are awesome and why cant i go to history class?" i growl.

their eyes widen and they look at each other with a scared look.

"we cant tell you. we just cant...." Mom says shyly. they both refuse to meet my gaze and they look like if they could just flee the house they would.

"i know you guys are hiding something! why cant you tell me!" i shout.

"because we cant and we wont." My father says before they both walk past me and into the kitchen. "how was school Axl?" he asks.

"dont change the subject and ignore me!" i scream.

"Sophie! calm down!" mom orders and i roll my eyes and storm up the stairs to my room.

what are they hiding?

did they just not want Axl to know?

what do they have to do with my history class?

and why does Lacy think they're awesome all of the sudden?

i see the door creek open slowly and Axl peeks his head in.

"come in." i sigh. he comes in and sits down in front of my desk.

"are Mommy and Daddy hiding something?" he asks.

"yeah....they are..." i dont say anything else because hes only 7 and i dont think he would understand. but they started taking him out of class too. "did they take you out of history today?" i ask.

he nods sheepishly.  "why did they do it?" he asks.

"i dont know. they've been doing that to me since before you were born..." i say quietly.

"oh....well there's a mandatory government announcement on television in ten minutes..." he says.

"mandatory government announcement?" i ask. " we've never had one of those before..." i say with a hint of scaredness.  he shrugs and takes my hand, leading me downstairs to the living room.


we all gather on the couch and wait for the announcement to come on.

"mom? why are we so rich if neither of you ever do anything?" i ask somwhat rudley.

"you know what! if it wasnt for your mot-" Dad cuts himself off like he about to say something he shouldnt say. i raise and eyebrow and he just looks down, grabbing moms hand.

President Paylor comes onto the screen and looks really nervous and scared. like her life depends on this. we're really close with her. i dont know why but shes very fond of my parents. i dont know how they met the president but i guess thats another thing they wont tell me.

"hello, Panem...." she stutters slightly. "i have a very...important....announcement....to... make.... yeah...." she says unsure of her words.

"somethings not right. she seems terrified." mom points out.

"i have come to.... a desiscion......to.....step down." My parents gasp and i see a look of fear in moms eyes.

"no.....no! no no no no!" she says to herself clinging to dad tightly. i hope dad doesnt lose it again. mom wont tell me why but sometimes dad lashes out and attacks her, calling her a mutt- whatever that is.

"dont worry. i've chossen a worthy candidate for the position, that i trust will do whats best for the good of our country!" she says with a totally fake smile. i hear footsteps coming up when she says with faux happiness "Avalon Snow!"

just then mom shrieks and runs up the stairs, crying hysterically. Dad starts hypervenalating and his eyes start to look cloudly and loose the blue color i inhereted from him. he looks confused and angry all at the same time.

he goes after mom and i follow right behind to make sure he doesnt hurt her again.

i get into their room just in time to see Dad bash mom against the wall and start yelling at her.

"Dad stop it!" i shout. he looks at me and he looks really cofused. "i'm Sophia. your daughter?" i reassure him. this always does it. for some reason when i say that he calms and goes back to normal. i wonder if these episodes have to do with what they're hiding.

"Katniss!" he says frantically rushing to her side.

just then Axl comes in looking scared.

"Sophie? what are the hunger games?" he asks. hunger games? whats that?

"i never heard of it?" i admit. mom bursts into tears and Dad starts comforting her.

"what did they say about it?" Dad asks skeptically.

"something bout bringing them back?" Axl says thinking back.

"no!" mom shouts before burrowing into dads chest.

"what is it?"i ask him.

"a horrible horrible thing..." he mutters with a scared tone.

"they said something about a thing tomorrow in the square?" Axl says more like a question.

"a reaping?" Dad says. Axl nods and he looks down before he sheds a tear of his own.


"alright sweetie. go sign in and then go over there with all the other 16 year old girls. you'll be okay." Mom says and hugs me tightly again. she seems horrified and they still wont tell us what this is. i see Axl with grandma, but i dont see my parents anywhere in the crowds of district 12 citizens.

i see Effie Trinket come on and i get confused again. why is she here? shes another family friend whos fond of my parents. what does she have to do with this?

"Happy Hunger Games!" she trills. "And may the odds be ever in your favor!" she adds. "Ladies first!" she sings prancing over to a giant glass ball filled with strips of paper. whats going on?

she fishes around for a bit before pulling out a single white peie of paper. she opens it and her face drops from a smile to a sad frown, her features drooping. she snaps out of it and plasters a fake smile on her face before reading what was on it.

"Sophia Mellark!" 

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