Chapter 6:

546 11 1

i sit down in the sitting room and my parents start hammering me with questions.

just then Haymitch comes in and answers for me.

"did they see you shoot?" he asks eagerly. i smile and nod. "thought so. everyone wants you do you have an idea?" he says.

"i have Bethany from 1, and Makko from 2 so far." i state, smiling at the thought of Makko.

"well ive heard from the 3 guy 4 girl 6 both 7 guy 8 guy both from 9 and the girl from 11." he says listing them all off.

"i probably can only take one more. the girl from 4 seems really good with most of the weapons. i'll talk to her tomorrow. and maybe some of the others and i'll pick who i want before the private sessions." i say because i dont really know what to do.

Haymitch nods and walks out. i sit back on the couch and ask my parents what they're watching.

"the 74th you want to see. we can start it over." Dad says cautiously.

"i guess...." i say swallowing the lump in m throat.

they show all of the respings and eventually get to district 12.

Effie calls Primrose Everdeen. Prim looks nothing like mom but exactly like grandma.

Mom comes out screaming and volunteers to take her place.

wow. mom looks just like i do now, except her eyes are gray and i have my dads blue ones.

then Prim starts screaming and a man who looks like Hunter drags her away.

"is that Gale?" i ask. mom nods numbly and keeps watching intensely.

then dad is called and im shocked at how young he looks.

they move to the training scores. dad pulls an 8 and mom get an 11? how?

in the interviews mom seems really nervous. Dad slides through easily making jokes and the crowd  loves him. then he confesses to the whole country that he loves mom and she looks totally lost and shocked and her face goes red.

mom leans over and kisses dad as if remembering that moment.

then they go to the start of the games.

mom gets a knife lodged in her pack and flees to the woods.

dad runs off and joins the careers.

"you were a career?" i ask, disgusted once again.

"i was leading them away from Katniss to protect her. because she was their main target." he explains.

"why?" i ask.

"because Cato has a temper and i outscored him in training. someone was jealous." mom says laughing.

"they show a bunch of people dying and then the careers find mom up in a tree. they try to go after her and end up camping out there under the tree.

a small dark skinned girl in another tree points out a tracker jacker nest up above and mom cuts the branch, sending it down on the career camp.

dad comes back and tells her to run and get away. Cato comes up and cuts him for it, leaving him behind.

they show mom hook up with the little girl Rue and then they blow up the careers supplies. then Rue gets stabbed and mom gets the killer in the neck with an arrow.

they jump to the rule change and mom shouts out dads name.

they move to her finding dad hidden in the mud.

the cave scenes and the kissing go by and i get bored. i see this every day at home i dont need to see it now.

then mom drugs dad and runs off to the feast.

"is that how dad lost his leg?" i ask sadly.

mom nods and i continue watching.

she gets tackled and sut in the forehead. the giant boy from 11 smashes the girls skull with a rock and she dies. he lets mom go because she helped Rue.

she gives dad the medicine and he ges better.

they go off hunting and the girl from 5 dies when she tries to steal poisonous berries out of dads bag.

they go back to the cave until all the water in the stream gets dried out. 

they get to lake in time for the mutts to appear.

they make it to the top of the cornocoupia and Cato gets dad in a headlock.

mom doesnt know what to do until dad points to Cato's hand and mom hits it. he releases dad and dad pushes him down into the raging pack of mutts down below.

the creatures tear away at his body for hours and all through the night.

in the morning mom sends an arrow into his skull to put him out of his pain and misery.

they hug since they've just won when the rule change is revoked.

mom pulls out the nightlock berries she told me about and they threaten to kill themselves simmultaneously.

a half of a second before the berries hit there tongues they announce that they are both victors.

they move to the recap viewing, and then the final interview. the anthem plays and then its over.

"if you still want to see the 75th games you can." mom says quietly.

"tomorrow..." i mutter. "that was enough for today..."

"so how was training?" dad asks.

"great!" i say smiling. i look at the clock and see the time. "actually i have to go! bye!" i say quickly and pop up, rushing into the hall, standing in front of the elevator.

"what are you so happy about?" Axl says coming into the corridoor.

"none of business! go away!" i say shooing him away.

he goes back into his room and the elevator opens.








hope you liked this chapter. i know it was boring cause it was jus retelling of the first hg book but i thought it was nessecary she see the tape at some point just to understand about her parents past.

comment below what u think shud happen between Sophia and Makko.

i have everything figured ut once the games start and i know what the scores will be and how Sophia and Hunter's interviews will go but i need suggestions if u hav any!!!!!

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