Chapter 2:

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what? why did she just call my name?

suddenly a group of men dressed in white uniforms are harshly pushing me toward the front. ihear loud crying and wailing behind the stage and i feel like i recognize the cry. suddenly the crying stops and we hear a loud thud.

"and now for our male tribute!!!" she rings. whats a tribute? why am i up here? whats happening? where are my parents.

Effie walks up to the other glass ball and fishes arounf for a single slip. she pulls it out and makes her way back over to me and the microphone.

"Hunter Hawthorne!" she says happily. i hear a hint of recognition so she must know who this is.

then i remember my mothers words. never trust a Hawthorne. they're jerks.

a boy who looks about 18 comes up. he's alot taller then me and looks alot like my mother. with dark brown hair and gray eyes. i got my mothers hair and my fathers eyes. Dad always tells mom shes pretty but every time mom just rolls her eyes and ignores him. she can never take a complient.  

after asking for any volunteers she clears her throat obnoxiously.

"And now i would like to introduce our mentors for this year!!!" she giggles. mentors? what is happening here? "Katniss and Peeta Mellark!" What! those are my parents! whats going on here!

i see dad walk out and straight up to the mayor. i read his lips and he says "Katniss passed out crying when they called her...." mom was the one crying i guess. why? is this a bad thing? dad said it was horrible. i am so hoplessley confused and i feel like im the only one who is.

i see some of the men in white go back im guessing to help an unconsious mom.

a different group of them sorround me and Hunter and start ushering us toward the Justice Building.

they toss me in a room and close the door. i sit down on a couch that resembles one in my living room. why are we so rich! my parents never do or did anything! and all the houses around us are empty except for Haymitch next to us. i dont get anything right now and it really bothers me that no one will tell me about it!

Grandma and Axl come in and shes crying hysterically. Axl seems as confused as i am.

"im so sorry Sophie!" Grandma wails and wrapping her arms tight around me, crying all over me.

"Why? Whats wrong?" i ask frantically.

"Oh!" she cries, holding me close.

eventually i give Axl a hug and the white uniformed men drag them out and Grandma starts reaching to me sobbing uncontraolably.

one of them grabs my arm harshly and pulls me outside to a car. i get in the back seat and they start driving toward the train station. Train station? where are we going?


"where's mom?" i ask poking at a peice of chicken.

"passed out....when she comes to she'll see where she is and you'll be sure to hear her screaming." Dad admits.

"then will you please explain what the hell is going on here?" i spit.

"not now." he mutters.

Hunter rolls his eyes. "they never told you anything did they?" he says laughing.

""you seem alot like your dad. my mom says hes a total ass!" i sneer at him.

he ignores me and goes back to his food.

"i'm leaving." i announce rudley and get up from my chair.

"but we have to watch the recaps!" Effie says.

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