Guardians, Paperwork, and a Letter

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This is my first time writing for a large group of people and with any semblance of a schedule so, needless to say, the updates will be irregular and occasionally very late. This story is ten years later, the arcobaleno are adults and Tsuna is the boss. I know that there are a lot of stories like this(and I've read a good number of them), so I implore you to give my irreparably bad grammar and plot lines a chance. And to prevent any confusion, I will do first name then last name. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: khr is not mine. It belongs to Akira Amano.

Bold for foreign language(not Japanese, assume it's Italian)

Italics for any media, ex. letters, texts, signs, phone calls, etc. 

' ' for thoughts

" " for speaking

Normal for everything else

(Narrator's P.O.V.)

     Tsuna was in his office sorting through the seemingly endless piles of paper. 'Bill, bill, aliance proposal, bill, bill, mariage proposal, bill, bill, bill, fan mail, another bill, reunion, ma... wait, reunion!' Tsuna quikly stood up, causing his paperwork to wobble worryingly. Tsuna ripped open the letter and read the contents, 

Dear Tsunayoshi,

You have been invited to class 2-A's tenth year reunion. It will be held in four days at 8am at Namimori Middle in your old classroom. You may bring up to two guests with you. If you are unable to attend or need more information, please call this number ### ### ####, we hope that you will be able to join us at this event.

Sincerely your former class representative,

Mayuki Komaru

     'Hmm, a class reunion, this could be worth attending, and I have a feeling that a certain spartan tor-tutor of mine will make me go either way.' Tsuna thought as he sat back down and placed the letter on his table. "Ileana, can you do something for me?" Tsuna calls to one of his ever-present maids,

     "Yes of course, Decimo, what can I do for you?" A girl with blond hair answered after she entered his office.

     "Can you tell my guardians to come to the airport in two hours with everything they will need to bring with them. They will be coming with me to Japan for a week to attend a class reunion. Also, I've asked you  before to stop calling me Decimo." Tsuna said with a smile. 

     "Right away. I'm sorry for disobeying you, but to not call you Decimo would be disrespecting your title." The girl bowed, a light dusting of pink on her face as she went off to find his destructive guardians. Tsuna returned to signing his paperwork. 'Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?' Tsuna's internal question was answered when his Storm Guardian bursted through the door, not moments after Ileana left. "Juudaime!" He yelled, "Did you get one?!" He held up a slip of paper in his hand. Tsuna could just see the word 'reunion' on the page. "I did, I will assume that Chrome, Kyoko and Takeshi also received one." Tsuna answered.

     "So, Juudaime, do you plan on going?" Hayato said, eyes practically sparkling.

     "I do, Hayato, I plan on taking Haru, onii-san, Lambo, Kyoya, and Mukuro with us. Could you inform the others who received an invitation about this. And I'll tell you since your here, I want you to get ready to leave, we'll be boarding the plane in two hours." Tsuna said, in response Hayato bowed deeply and said, "Right away! Juudaime!" Hayato immediately left the office to complete the Juudaime's orders. Tsuna sighed, 'For some reason I feel like today is going to be a long day,' Somewhere in the mansion an explosion could be heard along with calls of "Pineapple herbivore, I'll bite you to death!" And "Kufufu, is Skylark-kun going to fight me?" Followed by another explosion. 'A very long day.' Tsuna thought, sighing yet again. 

(Elsewhere in the Vongola Mansion)

(Reborn's P.O.V.)

     I  was on my way to report to Nono about Dame-Tsuna's progress when I heard the mist and cloud fighting. I smirked, 'Looks like more paperwork for Dame-Tsuna.' I opened the door to Nono's room. A voice from inside said, "Ah, Reborn, I've been expecting you. Come in." I walk in and lean against the wall near the door. The man known as ninth said, "I expect that you're here to report on how my grandson's doing." I smirked and walk over to him. I reach into my pocket and pull out a letter containing my report. When I reached his desk I handed it to him. My smirk widened as he read it as I knew what his reaction would be. His face first showed a warm, joyous expression that quickly darkened as he reached the end of the report. "Those fools would dare bully my grandson!" The normally calm, kind man yelled. 

     "What do you think we should do, Nono?" I said to him, anticipating his response, I started grinning maniacally. Everyone in the mansion most likely felt the aura leaking from us. "Here's what I propose, Reborn." Nono told his idea to Reborn. Though my fedora hid my features from veiw, Nono could probably tell I was pleased.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

(With Tsuna)

(Narrator's P.O.V. )

     Tsuna, Lambo, and Reborn decided to go to Tsuna's old house to visit Tsuna's parents. The three opened the door to the home and Tsuna called out, "Kaa-san! Tou-san! Tadaima!*" At the sound of Tsuna's voice two people came out of one of the rooms further in. The blond ran up to Tsuna and tackled him in a hug, "Tuuunnaa Fiiish! I missed you!" The man hugged Tsuna tighter. "Tou-san, y-you're suffocating me." Tsuna stuttered out, pushing the man off. "How have you been, Tuna Fish?" Tsuna's father asked.

     "I've been well. How are you and Kaa-san doing?"  Tsuna had all but ordered his dad to leave CEDEF almost as soon as he became boss. "Great, Tsu-kun! I know, I'll make you three dinner! You must be hungry after such a long flight." Tsuna's mother said cheerfully. She hadn't changed much since Tsuna had seen her last. "Thank you. I'll be in my room until then." Tsuna then headed up to his room, ignoring his hyper intuition's warnings, 'If they're this small then it can't be too bad,' he thought, crawling into bed for a brief nap. Little did he know that he should've paid more attention to the warnings that had never lead him wrong.

*Mom! Dad! I'm home/back!

Well that's chapter one! Hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to get back with chapter two sometime either today or tomorrow! Comments are appreciated and if there are any ideas or suggestions for the next chapter that's always welcome, and of course criticism! For now, that's all from Phoenix3748! Ja ne!  

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