A Mansion, Dinner, and a Contest

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Hello minna! I hope you enjoy chapter 4 of A Reunion, Mafia, and a Don.

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, it belongs to Akira Amano.

Bold for foreign language(not Japanese, assume it's Italian)

Italics for any media, ex. letters, texts, signs, phone calls, etc.

' ' for thoughts

" " for speaking

(Italics) for a/n

Normal for everything else

(Third person P.O.V.)

     The students exchanged confused murmurs at the apperance of the old man. "Who's he?" One of them turned to his friend. He answered with an unconcerned shrug, "I dunno, probably just some rich old guy with too much time on his hands," That was the general direction of a group of conversations while others questioned what the man had said. Namely, the rather odd mention of tuna.

     That had them frowning and racking their minds for any Italian words that even somewhat resembled the word 'tuna' and failed spectacularly. 

     Meanwhile, the brunet in question had paled considerably and tried to eke out a suitable greeting for someone important whom he's supposedly never met before. What was meant to be a polite 'It's a pleasure to meet you sir,' ended up more like a strangled mix between Italian and Japanese. The only things his classmates heard were "Please, see, no m-meet you. Gra-ninth..." the last part was mumbled so quietly that they couldn't quite catch what he said but it sounded disturbingly like 'I swear someone is going to pay for this,' 

     Despite the rather ominous after note, many years of practice, even after years of not seeing each other, made it so that Tsuna's bullies could always find perfect opportunities to shame their former classmate and further condemn themselves. "Ha, Dame-Tsuna's so lame he can't even introduce himself properly," 

     "I bet he has his little dogs do it for him since he can't himself," That brought a wave of raucous laughter from a majority of his former classmates. Tsuna's frowned as his hand curled into a tight fist. His eyes narrowed angrily.

     From a small ways behind him Yamamoto watched the scene with a suppressed growl in his throat. 'It seems that even after ten years they haven't matured yet.' 

     When he arrived at Tsuna's side he placed a calloused hand on Tsuna's shoulder. One could have interpreted it as telling him to think about what he was doing, but the steely edge in his gaze would convince them otherwise. It said 'Don't worry, we can handle them later.' Tsuna nodded and smiled, "Thanks Yamamoto," Yamamoto gestured that they should try to catch up with the rest of their classmates who had left earlier.

     Tsuna nodded and and made follow when suddenly a sinister grin split his face. His bangs cast dark shadows on his eyes. 'Who says I can't have my own bit of revenge?'

(Yamamoto's P.O.V.)

     Once we were inside the kid led us to our rooms after telling us to get ready, by which he meant to get dressed properly, then come to the dinning room. I broke off from the group with the rest of the guardians as we had our own rooms. I slipped out of the clothes I was wearing and into a blue collared shirt and black slacks. I loosely pulled a black tie around my neck and walked out.

     'Did the kid ever end up telling them where the dinning room is?' I wondered idly before dismissing the thought. Either way was fine really.

     I hummed a tune as I made my way to the dinning hall. Somewhere near the servant's quarters I heard a screech followed by several muffled explosions and a rather colourful string of curses. 'Maa... Hayato seems to be in a bad mood. But they brought it on themselves.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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