Wait. What?

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~Harry's P.O.V~

It started getting late so I suggested to the lads that we should head on out to leave.

Just as we were about to exit the club, Beth announced that her and Kate had to use the restroom.

Being the gentleman that I am, I decided to wait for them till they return.

As the lads and I waited, Louis decided wandering around the club, considering that he was drunk.

"Harry, where did Louis go?" Zayn suddenly spoke, beginning to panic.

I looked over my shoulder, hoping that Louis was right by my side. Frowning to my surprise, he was indeed gone.

"Shit! Zayn, I don't know. Look over there" I shouted, beginning to worry.

I walked further towards the club, squeezing my way through the crowds, when someone gently tapped on my shoulder.

Quickly turning around, hoping that it was either Louis or Zayn. Frowning once again to my surprise, it wasn't them.

"Hey Harry!" She flirtatiously chirped, while engulfing me into a hug.

"Cara! What are you doing here?" I faked smiled.

"Ohh you know, just hanging with a few friends," She smiled.

"What about you? Are you all by yourself?" She smirked.

I gulped, hoping the boys would find me, and quick.

"Err, no. I'm with the lads and a few friends as well" I smiled back.

"Ohh! well, I was hoping that we could go back to my place for a bit" She smirked, stepping closer to me.


I walked back, obviously not interested in her anymore.

"Uhm, I have to go back to my friends." I muttered before walking away, not even wanting to hear her respond.

You see, a few weeks ago, I hooked up with her. But since I was drunk that night, I barely remembered what happened. She on the other hand, thought that something was going on between us. The next day, when she visited me, I simply told her that I wasn't interested and she didn't take it that well.


"There you are!" Zayn shouted.

"Where have you been? We've been waiting for a while now!" Kate asked.

"Uhm, I got lost in there" I chuckled while biting my lip.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Beth rolling her eyes.

What's up with her?


~Bethany's P.O.V~

After Kate and I left the bathroom, I spotted Harry talking to this girl.

I couldn't really see who it was exactly since her back was facing me, but it looked like Harry knew her. I just shrugged it off since it wasn't any of my business and left.

Walking away, I dragged Kate towards the exit, considering that she drank way too many drinks tonight. When we stepped foot outside, I spotted Zayn and Louis sitting down on the curb.

"Hey!" Zayn smiled.

"Hi!" I mumbled, not really in the mood to talk.

"Did you by any chance see Harry inside there? We've been waiting for a while now" He chuckled.

"No!" Kate smiled, answering the question for me.

"Well, did you try call him?" I asked.

"Yeah, but he didn't answer to any" He pouted.

The Way You Look At Me (One Direction - Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now