Jason L

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A/N: I just want to clear up a couple things for everyone!
1. Due to plot reasons, I will not bring any more characters from the future. Leo will be the only character from the future.
2. I'm not planning on doing BoO or SoN (due to plot). I'm going to be doing MoA and HoH.
3. Leo's from the timeline in between HoH and BoO.


"Jason L," Nico read.

A wolf launched itself at Jason. He stepped back and swung his scrap wood into the beast's snout with a satisfying crack. Maybe only silver could kill it, but a good old-fashioned board could still give it a Tylenol headache.

Apollo, Hermes, the Stolls, and Leo snickered.

He turned toward the sound of hooves and saw a storm spirit horse bearing down on him...Just before the spirit could trample him, Jason launched himself into the air, grabbed the horse's smoky neck, and pirouetted onto its back. The storm spirit reared.

"Aren't the storm spirits made out of vapor?" Travis asked.

"Yes, but they can turn solid if they want to. I don't know why it hasn't tried to turn into mist yet." Annabeth said.

"Probably surprised that Jason jumped on him like that..." Thalia grumbled. "Is this just a thing now? Whenever he doesn't have a weapon, is he just going to tackle them now?" Gods I hope not. Jay, please find a better strategy.

It tried to shake Jason, then tried to dissolve into mist to lose him; but somehow Jason stayed on.

"Must be a child of Zeus ability." Annabeth said before correcting herself. "Er... I mean child of Jupiter..."

Zeus winced at the pain in his head.

He willed the horse to remain in solid form, and the horse seemed unable to refuse. Jason could feel it fighting against him. He could sense its raging thoughts—complete chaos straining to break free. 

"Storm spirits are usually too uncontrollable to tame." Annabeth commented. "I'm surprised this one is obeying him."

It took all Jason's willpower to impose his own wishes and bring the horse under control. He thought about Aeolus, overseeing thousands and thousands of spirits like this, some much worse. No wonder the Master of the Winds had gone a little mad after centuries of that pressure.

"Just a little?" Thalia said incredulously. "Are we thinking about the same person?"

"Aeolus went beyond 'a little mad' a long time ago." Apollo said.

But Jason had only one spirit to master, and he had to win.

...The horse bucked, but Jason held fast...its hooves causing miniature thunderstorms —tempests—whenever they touched the ground.

"Tempest?" Jason said. "Is that your name?"

The horse spirit shook its mane, evidently pleased to be recognized.

"It has a name?" Katie said in surprise.

Travis rolled his eyes. "Everything has a name, Katie. Construction equipment included." he said as if the answer was obvious.

The daughter of Demeter rolled her eyes at that.

"Fine," Jason said. "Now, let's fight."

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