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A/N: I just want to clear up a couple things for everyone!
1. Due to plot reasons, I will not bring any more characters from the future. Leo will be the only character from the future.
2. I'm not planning on doing BoO or SoN (due to plot). I'm going to be doing MoA and HoH.
3. Leo's from the timeline in between HoH and BoO.


Naturally, Percy's question earned him a few confused stares.

"A table?" Poseidon repeated. For a moment, he couldn't help but worry if that bright light rendered his son partially blind.

He felt relieved and, if possible, more confused when Travis held up the book to everyone, showing the picture of the table.

The readers exchanged looks. They turned to Leo for answers, but he was still shaking his fist at the ceiling only now yelling in Spanglish.

"Who's Buford?" Percy asked, getting Leo's attention. "Is he some kind of god of tables?" 

Panting, Leo glared up at the ceiling once more. 

"No, but he likes to think he is..." he grumbled and flopped back on his chair. He had a good feeling he knew what this story was going to be about and he already hated it. "So, who's reading?"

The readers looked at each other again before Travis shrugged. "I guess I will."

He turned the book back to facing him.

I don't get it. Leo thought, rocking his chair back. Why would Nemesis want them to read this? It doesn't make sense. Me losing the syncopator was awful, yeah, but this doesn't 'stop the war' or save anyone like she promised... So what's the point in us reading it? His frown deepened. 

Leo Valdez and the Quest for Buford

Is it over yet? Leo sighed.

Leo blamed the Windex.

"Huh?" Percy blinked.

If I hadn't used that stupid Windex, then I wouldn't be reading this. Leo thought, swinging his legs back and forth.

"What kind of story is this?" Will frowned.

"It's a not big quest or anything. It's pretty dumb." Leo admitted.

He should've known better. Now his entire project- two months of work- might literally blow up in his face.

"What?!" Hephaestus exclaimed. 

The other readers started to look nervous.

Leo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked down at his socks before glancing at his destroyed sneakers.

I'm going to need a new pair of shoes. he distantly thought.

"... When you say 'two-months of work' please tell me your talking about an arts 'n crafts project or a something that is not the ship we need to get Percy." Annabeth said, face going pale.

Leo winced. He tried to make her worry less about her boyfriend earlier and now they're going to read something he did that's going to give her a heart attack.

"Sorry." he said apologetically. Annabeth winced and he quickly added. "But I fixed the problem! You don't have to worry about the ship, everything's fine now!"

"What exactly is happening?" Nyssa asked.

Leo inwardly groaned. They're going to think I'm an amateur. "Just... Just see for yourself."

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