Chapter 5

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I know you guys must hate me but i have an idea!! 

thanks to @feverofdabieber without her guys i wouldnt have  

had this inspiration of an idea 

otherwise i was about to quit this story 

so now i am going to write like 3 paragraphs 

a day hope- tomorrrow and sunday i go to a slumber part at a hotel but i will tr to post if i cant i am sorry 

it would probably be bad because i will be writing it on an ipod 

srr i guess i am stalling...... 



I silently tiptoed over to sleeping justin... wow he's in for payback 

I held cupcake closely to my chest as i made m way over to biebs  

"awww, beyonce come on you know you want this."justin mumbled turning around in his sleep. 

I stifled a chuckle and let cupcake lay on top of justin. 

he smiled,"Hey baby, guessed you changed your mind." 

cupcake got up and started licking Justins mouth. 

"oh, Beyonce i am speechless."he frowned  

"beonce your hurting m lip!" 

I laughed out loud as i saw cupcake biting off justin lip. 

Justin sat up and started screaming. 

By then i was rolling on the floor laughing my head up  

biebs then got up groggil and softl kicked me in the guts 

it hurt?yes?bad? no. 

Don't need to be a wheenie about it.  




crans apple 

HE gasped at my remark 

i smirked smuggly, he walked by and ruffled my hair WTF 

"im not a little kid you batface."i pouted 

justin rolled his eyes ,"where is my mum?" 

"I dont know? i just snuck in here...WHERE DO YOU THINK SHE IS ITS 4am in the morning!"I yelled 

"whatever."he said stalking off......whats his problem 

we walked to the kitchen and got out some ego waffles. 

so you missed me....i said smugly. What the heck would make ou think that? Justin smirked chewing with his mouth wide open. 

Oh just this....the video was justin admitting how much he missed ryan and chaz.all his deepest feelings to christian  

oh um...well...about.that..he ran his hand through his hair and placed a hand on his hip 

" justin? hand on hip thingy.....yea doesnt work for you." 

"pffft who asked ou?"justin sighed 

"Want to go for a bike the night"justin wiggled his eyebrows trying to be all spooky spooky. 

"uuuuuuuuuuuugh fin come on brat." 

justin smirked but he followed me. 

I picked a super green Motor Scooter 

"heh heh heh"i laughed my evil laugh 

Justin turned his head looking at me funny "dude shutup." 

I rolled my eyes, only i know he's jealous 

"hey ryan come on dude lets mess with my new neighbor." watched as i saw ryans face light up And then he just bursted bugging me with al these questions. 

"Dude what gender is she or he." i asked the biebss 

"i dont know you tell me." He smirked 

"jerk." I muttered under my breath


I am so srry guys it 3:47 a.m and i am freaking tired plus i have that slumber party 

uuuggggghhhhhh ;life is hard

also srry about the bad editing 

i didnt have enough time to write properly 

Plus i will start the other love story with the biebs  

that i was going to replace this one with soon 

i have it all planned out in my head just need to type it out lol 


i hope this is long enough for you guys....... 

probably not 

and i dont do those vote thingys they started getting on my nerves  

just because 1 person didnt fan you or vote for you your just going to  

make you good fans suffer.... bull crap 

okay well see ya'll monday :P 



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