Chapter 10: China

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Casey trudged down the hallway leading toward the back of the Red Bull garage and nervously looked ahead at the closed door that led into Sebastian's private room.

All drivers had a small room at the back of their garages where they could go to change and relax between sessions. She had often wandered past it when the door was open and caught a glimpse of the minimalist interior, but had never actually stepped foot inside.

She reached the door and looked around. Thankfully, most people were still having lunch and there were no cameramen to be seen. She lifted her hand and knocked once quietly. After a couple of seconds the door cracked open and a pair of bright blue eyes appeared. 

"Hey," Sebastian smiled gently and opened the door further to allow her in. With one last glance around her, she slipped through the door and he clicked it shut behind her.

She took a couple of steps into the room and looked around. There wasn't much to it. A chair and table, some cupboards and a small bed. She didn't quite know what to do with herself until he gestured towards the bed for her to take a seat.

"Sorry to pull you in here. I just wanted to tell you I'm really sorry about the unwanted attention you're getting from earlier."

She stopped scanning the room to look him in the eyes and laughed quietly, "Don't be. It isn't your fault."

"Well, it definitely is," he replied with a grin.

She smiled back at him before looking away from his intense gaze. Her smile faded though as she thought back to all of the pictures of herself currently making their way around the entire world.

"I don't really care what they say about me, as long as it doesn't hurt you or the team in some way," she shrugged, staring at the chair Seb was standing next to. He watched her carefully, feeling a sense of both warmth and guilt to hear that she prioritised him and the team over herself.

"If it wasn't this story, it would be another," he sighed, kicking out the chair and taking a seat while keeping his gaze fixed on her. "They will hassle you though, probably a lot," he continued as a slightly worried expression crept across his face.

Her light blue eyes flicked back to his face. She smiled wryly, "Let them."

Seb laughed and looked down at his feet.

"Just don't avoid me, will you?" he asked sincerely, looking back up at her through his eyelashes.

She groaned internally at how adorable he looked. As though this wasn't already difficult.

"You're the boss," she replied, taking a deep breath and moving to stand up.

Without really thinking, Sebastian stood up too and held out his arms, inviting her in for a hug. A little surprised, she took a step towards him, gingerly snaking her arms around his waist for the second time ever. She felt his arms pull her in tightly and closed her eyes as her head rested against his chest.

She breathed in, smelling fresh linen and a light masculine fragrance. To be totally honest with herself, she didn't feel like letting go at all. They stood there silently for a few moments before she felt him rest his chin on top of her head and his arms squeeze her even tighter.

Sebastian stared at the wall opposite, his mind back on the bus in Malaysia where he had watched Evan kiss the top of Casey's head as she slept on his shoulder. He frowned to himself, knowing he wasn't allowed to do that like Evan was. Still, it had been a long time since he'd even been hugged half as genuinely as this. It felt good.

Casey let out her breath slowly, making the reluctant decision to pull away. Any longer and this would surely get weird. She released him and leaned back, looking up at him.

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