Chapter 47: Home Again

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Heikki was as gentle as ever as his incredibly soft lips brushed against hers. He lingered for a few more seconds before pulling away.

"I know you didn't mean what you just did." he said, smiling at her sadly, "You're a terrible actress."

Casey frowned at him silently before he continued.

"I can tell the difference between when you think you're kissing Seb and when you know you're kissing me." he continued, pushing a stand of hair behind her ear.

"The difference is obvious. But thank you for trying to spare my feelings anyway," he said with a faint, unhumoured laugh.

Casey didn't have anything to say, he was right. She'd felt nothing kissing him back, except a fresh wave of guilt and a nagging emptiness that it wasn't Seb next to her.

"I should really go... good luck Case, with everything, I mean it. I wish things were different, but they're not. Seb doesn't know how lucky he is." he murmured, running his thumb across her cheek one last time. "Though I will say one thing... if that idiot doesn't take you back, call me." he chuckled quietly, trying to lighten the atmosphere and finally tearing his eyes away and standing up.

Casey stood up too and watched him sadly, "I'm sorry you're leaving. It won't be the same without you."

"You're in love with him, I was stupid to ever even think of you in such a way," he replied blankly, running his fingers across her jaw once more before turning away and walking to the door.

"Goodbye Case." he said, shooting her a beautiful smile.

"I'll miss you." she smiled solemnly.

Heikki let himself out of the apartment and the door clicked shut. Casey wondered if that really was to be the last time she'd ever see him. That had been hard.

After the door closed, she looked around her apartment defeatedly. For lack of anything else to do, she decided to clean up the mess she'd progressively spread throughout the house since her arrival late last night.

She trudged around, putting her bowl in the sink and collecting her strewn shoes before there was a knock on the front door. Had Heikki forgotten something? She walked over and opened it slowly.

"Why was Heikki walking out of your apartment?" Evan demanded, pushing his way through the door and turning to stare at her expectantly.

"He was saying goodbye, he's resigning." Casey replied emotionlessly, clearing her throat.

"Did anything else happen?" He asked, "And you know I can tell when you're lying so..."

Casey sighed, "I wouldn't dare lie to you, Ev."


She threw her arms up in defeat, how could she possibly explain this to him in a way that would make any sense, "Yes. There was a kiss, a weird kiss."

Evan slipped on to one of the counter stools and watched her curiously, "Fuck my life. Alright. Do continue..."

She sighed, "He caught me off guard, kind of. I don't know. It just felt like a goodbye."

Evan stared at the bench-top, deep in thought.

"I care about him." Casey added.

"But not in the way that he'd like." Evan suggested.

"No." she replied, collecting her phone off the floor and plugging it into the charger on the bench.

"This is all actually... quite sad." he mused thoughtfully.

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