Chapter 11: Jealousy

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Isla, Casey and Jacob finally came into view of the rest of the group that were on the balcony. Casey saw Harry, Brand, Kyle, Evan, Gemma, Sebastian, Rocky, and Heikki all sitting in a circle of soft cube chairs.

As the three of them approached, they each took an empty seat and pulled them into the circle. Casey ended up sitting between Evan and Jacob, as usual. On Jacob's right sat Seb and Heikki, and directly opposite her was the loudest of the group; Brand.

Evan flashed her a huge grin as she took her place next to him. He leaned into her hair and whispered, "I feel like I'm going to do something stupid tonight."

She laughed and whispered back, "Stupid like what?"

"Who knows! It could literally be anything," Evan replied dramatically. He dotingly pushed a strand of her light brown hair away from her face. She was wearing it down in loose waves that hung to her ribs.

"I know you well enough to know that there's a very specific thing you have in mind."

"Did you curl your hair?" Evan exclaimed, trying to distract her. She nodded in amusement, it had been him after all who had told her to do it.

"Well, you look amazing," he said kindly before leaning forward and kissing her cheek. She tilted her head suspiciously and watched his eyes dart to the left momentarily as he pulled away from her. She instantly glared at him, figuring out his game.

"Oh, stop being an idiot!" she hissed, trying to feign anger. It was so hard to be angry with Evan.

He leaned in to her again and whispered in her ear, "Seb's definitely watching."

She grabbed his chin between her fingers and shook his jaw gently, "Evan, you have to stop this before I actually have to kill you. Seriously, this balcony is like 30 stories high. You're behaving like a teenager. He'll be looking at us because you're acting like a prat on purpose."

His face contorted into a smile between her fingers and she couldn't help laughing at his deformed grin. With a frustrated growl she released his chin and shooed him away from her ear, turning her attention to the rest of the circle.

Seb could almost hear the blood rushing around his head as he tried to ignore Evan and Casey. Why did he even care? He shouldn't care, yet he couldn't help the nagging feeling in his stomach. He refused to acknowledge that it was jealousy. He looked around at the other patrons in the club, running his eyes over each woman he spotted, but none of them were really jumping out at him. Maybe he would go for a walk around and see who else was there.

"So, what is this?" Kyle suddenly blurted out, motioning to Evan and Casey. Brand, sitting next to him, snickered and folded his arms over his chest, waiting for the explanation. Almost everyone in the circle had stopped talking to listen in, "You two a thing or something?" Kyle asked tactlessly.

Casey stifled a laugh and looked at Evan. She could sense Jacob sitting extra still on her other side.

Evan seemed to be thinking frantically as she turned back to Kyle, "No, unfortunately for me he's completely in love with someone else." she replied secretively. The whole group was now giving this conversation their full attention.

Evan dropped his head like she'd punched him in the gut before sneaking her a sideways glare that screamed "shut up". She smiled back at him smugly, feeling he rightly deserved it after everything he'd done to her that day.

He expression then became thoughtful for a moment before he sat up straight and looked at Kyle, "Actually, I'm gay."

Casey's eyes bulged in shock as he casually revealed his deepest secret to the whole group. She reached over to Evan's lap and laced her fingers with his, smiling at him proudly. Seb watched with great interest as Evan's hand squeezed Casey's.

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