Chapter 20: Admission

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Casey's mind was all tumbleweeds and crickets as she let his words bounce around in her otherwise completely empty brain. Her breath hitched as Seb turned his head towards her, reaching over and placing his fingers under her chin before gently lifting her face up towards him. 

Seb was about 89% sure by now that she wouldn't push him away. He sensed her freeze in place, suddenly eye-to-eye with him, "Is this okay?"

She opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out, her heart beating in triple time. He smiled as he touched his forehead to hers and looked at her calmly for a second, "I'm taking that as a yes, okay?"

She finally managed a nod as she felt his palm cradle her cheek. And then it happened - he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers.

She closed her eyes and snaked her hand from his chest around the back of his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Her whole body suddenly felt very weak, like it had just suffered a huge electric shock. She could feel his hand move away from her cheek and run through her hair. After a moment, he pulled away, watching her closely as she took a short, sharp breath.

His fingers trailed softly across her jaw before he pressed his against her bottom lip. She looked up at him incredulously.

"Not the answer I was expecting," she breathed.

His face broke out into a grin as he leaned in and kissed her again, more assertively this time.

Casey took her arm from his neck and gripped his hip instead. His shirt had ridden up, allowing her to stroke the warm skin beneath. She basked in the moment for what felt like only a minute or two, but maybe it was a lot more. Finally, she pulled back, pausing to bite his lip gently. He sighed contentedly, pushing some hair back behind her ear.

"I can't stop thinking about you," he whispered, "It's very distracting, actually."

She could only giggle awkwardly, her brain struggling to function. She winced at herself and kissed him again, trying to convey everything she felt that way instead. He was the most perfect creature she'd ever set eyes on.

Cheeky, lovable, fun-loving, gorgeous Sebastian Vettel had just taken her out during the middle of his party, to the middle of the track, in the middle of the night, to kiss her. She thought she might explode and die on the spot.

They finally pulled apart and Casey buried her head in his neck, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

"I've wanted to kiss you for a while," he murmured in her ear.

"Please don't ever hesitate again," she replied, trailing her lips down his jawline and relishing the way he shuddered. They lay there in comfortable silence for a few moments, absorbing what had just happened.

"You're staying in my room tonight," he announced eventually.

She laughed softly, "No objections here."

By the time they'd walked back into the hotel it was already 2am, but Casey was too exhilarated to be tired at all. They walked side by side through the lobby, looking around warily for any of their teammates. Thankfully, the coast was completely clear. They took the elevator up and Seb unlocked the door to his suite.

He felt a rush of relief as soon as he closed the door behind them, securing their privacy from the world. He turned around to see Casey standing a few steps away, smiling back at him. He quickly closed the gap between them and lifted her into his arms. She yelped and laughed as he spun her around once before releasing her back on the ground.

He grasped her face in both of his hands and kissed her happily, excited to finally be able to do that at will. She reached her arms up, locking them around his neck and squeaking as he lifted her up onto his hips. As she wrapped her legs around him, visions of the pool party flashed through his mind.

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