Chapter 4

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Lucifer Laurens
I went to Frank's apartment. I was lucky enough to jump the fence and have the ladder to my open window still there.

When I got inside I quickly locked the window and the door. I heard Frank running up here. he knew I was here. Jace was at the front now. Stupid apartments. I always wanted to go far away. There was nothing left for me here, I could have had a fresh start where no one knows me. I caused trouble nobody wanted to deal with. I just wanted to sit in the dark and be invisible sometimes. Just a room where I could be there in the calming darkness. Death sounds good too but I'd rather sleep since it's like death without commitment. Death with benefits so to say. But I would appreciate not dying now! I held my back to the door trying to hold it close. I could hear the running of his heavy steps. My vision blurred. I wasn't gonna make it this time. I wanted my mum. She knew how to handle him.

"Lucifer!" He yelled unafraid of letting the neighbours hear. The door was getting pounded, l I'm amazed it's held up this long. The neighbours were alerted. Someone must've called the police. I was so sure.

"Fuck off Frank!" I hissed. He didn't deserve my respect. Plus if I'm gonna die. I'm going all out. I could hear Jace asking for Frank to talk.

"Respect me, son. I am the only person who supports you!" He pounded his fist on the door. I covered my ears, my back against the door. The door was starting to crack.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" I repeated. I heard Jace yelling. I heard my heart in my chest. I heard the smashing of beer bottles against the door. I pulled out my phone and hid the camera in my bag. I dialled the number Miss Lee gave me. Immediately there's an answer.

"Lucifer, I need you to run, run, and don't look back. I'm sending people already over, they'll take care of Frank," A woman begins. I heard gunshots. I don't know who anymore.

"Help me please, he's gonna get me!" I started to cry, to scream into the phone. I pulled at my hair. I couldn't breathe! I let go of the door and searched for my stuff.

"Calm down, I need you to start running to 436 North Benngue Avenue," she asked. I quickly ran to a chair and stuffed it under the doorknob. The door began to crack open. I see his eyes. Frank was enraged, Jace behind him. A gun. I froze.

"Lucifer, run and don't stop," Jace said. Frank turned around and felt a warm liquid splatter on my neck and back. The gunshot made my ears ring. I turned to make a break for it and struggled with opening it. I finally got it opened and grabbed my bag. I started my way down the ladder. I jumped the last few steps. I hear the door slam open. I jumped the fence and ran. I heard a scream. I turned around and I see a bloody-stained teacher ridding evidence in the opposite direction. He was almost unrecognizable by the way he acted. I ran like hell on my tail. The cloudy sky let down rain. The alleyways were my best bet, I could try to make it to the address but it was too far. I won't make it before someone else finds me. Tears still ran down my face, I could've died if it wasn't for Jace, but it was too close for comfort. I ran far until I found an alleyway, dark and cozy. No one was there and nobody was near.

"Lucy are you still there?! Lucy please," she sounded desperate. I wiped my face and continue running. She sounded like my mom.

"I-I'm fi-fine," I choked out. I ended the call. I'm not gonna bother, they have his address and guarantee all they are gonna find is a perfect set-up suicide. Maybe Jace will get creative and have it shown that it was a well-deserved murder. I looked for where I could be safe from Frank's gang. My legs ached, my lungs felt as if they were squeezed, and my stomach was doing flips. When I finally made it, it was pouring and it took five damn hours. Clary's bar, she has been open for years and my mum used to work here. It is almost like a dine-in-strip club. It was packed like usual and I walked to the bar area. Moxxi and Clary were serving drinks. One glance and Clary jumped over the counter and hugged me tightly.

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