Chapter 19

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I parked the car, the two got down a while ago. I can't move. The idea of moving was too much, my hands were stuck on the wheel, knuckles white as the snow on the ground. I heard a knock in the window. I lean my forehead against the wheel andb kept my eyes tightly shut. I let out a shaky breath. It's too much. My phone rang. Mikasa went to eat breakfast and help McLennan with getting dressed. Amber was probably waiting at the table.

"Will? Will, can I open the door?" I heard. I nod. I know who it is. It's not the hypersexual brats, not the edgy one or confused one. It's my rock. I hear the door. It's cold. A shiver runs through my spine.

"Lucifer," I said.

"Thanks for breakfast Will. I meant to get up but forgot. I know it's the holiday season but I'm glad you picked up Mickey," Lucifer whispered.

"It's alright... Her mom invited us over. Maybe we should go?" I said. I stuck my hand out to him. I'm falling, there are no breaks.

"Don't you visit family over the break?" Lucifer asked.

"I only go for Michael. Lyola is in prison remember?" I said. Lucifer takes my hand, entwined our fingers.

"Right. How long has she got left?"

"Wrote about eleven years left. It's a heavy punishment, but they only found one body. I can... Can I ask Michael to come over for the holidays?" I find the courage to look up. Lucifer's eyes were puffy and red. His skin was pink and I could see the lines and cuts bleeding slightly around his neck. He leans over and kissed my temple.

"Yeah, we have the space. Maybe we can go with Mikasa. She asks every year and I always decline. We can take McLennan and celebrate the other there for a little while. Maybe do our own thing," he said moving closer. I nodded, he's very close. His lips on mine. I closed my eyes. Such a warm feeling keeps me back on Earth. I let go of the wheel and grabbed onto his shoulders. I gasped when he bit down on my lip. I gasped as his tongue ran on mine. He pulled away only slightly.

"Why don't we go inside?" Lucifer asked. I shook my head.

"The snow-"

"The snow won't be doing a thing besides being there. Come on Will. Maybe we can do something before we have to leave?" Lucifer hinted. I chill ran down my spine. He's kissing me again. The air knocked out of my lungs. The seat moves down. He's on me, the keys in my hand onto my chest. His hand in my pants. He moved to leave kisses on my neck.

"Lucifer!" I cried out.

"Relax. Take a breath Will," Lucifer growled into my ear. A bite on my neck. A kiss behind my ear. I covered my mouth. The breath I take is more a huff. He's picking up the pace. I moan into his shoulder.

"Luce," I whimpered. It's foreign, I don't beg. I never beg. I-."faster, please go faster," I moaned. Lucifer is grinding against me. The pace is quicker. It's sloppier, it's fast and rough. I threw my head back and let myself go. It's not as freeing as flying, but freeing nonetheless. He's still on top of me, he spilled onto his hand as well. Red eyes meeting mine.

"I think we have to get down now," he has a proud smile. I chuckle and grabbed the collar of his shirt, forcing him down for another kiss. I closed my eyes. There wasn't the usual tsunami of emotion, but a small wave. It was peaceful, I don't understand it quite yet. I feel the smile as he kissed me. "Just friends?" He murmured. My eyes were barely open.

"He was asking too many questions," I huffed. Lucifer keeps kissing me as he wrapped a scarf around me. He takes white clothe, plain and yellowed from the years of use. Used throughout the days I couldn't... I just don't want to see it. I closed my eyes tight. He wrapped it, tying it. I hear the door open. It's colder. I fixed my clothes and his.

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