Chapter 17

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Gregory Dean
I groan, how dare they. I swear just a few seconds ago I was just putting my head back. I was just trying to get comfortable. How dare they act like nothing after I've been traumatized.

"Greg, we got to go to school," I heard. School? I remember we were just walking through a sea of corpses minutes ago, we were heading to a safe house recently, and Lucifer was back at it adopting children. Or was it we just got back from slicing someone's head off like some damn French revolution?

"No," I murmured. I felt my body being shaken. I finally open my eyes. It's Jaime. Bitch.

"About time, I think we should head home, Tony left with Sam not too long ago. We'll meet McLennan at school. Hurry up! I think mom is calling the cops, I'm not sure how long it's been since I called her," Jaime hissed. I tried to get up quickly, but my body was so tired. My brain was just too foggy. I stretched, and Jaime went to the kitchen table. Lucifer was probably downstairs asleep. Will was up. Not sure why.

"Alright, are you two done?" Monotone voice. Will.

"Yeah, come on Greg, Will is dropping us home," Jaime grabbed my stuff along with his. I followed them to the car. It was strange, in my hazy mind, I see Will dressed as any wealthy man on the streets, preparing breakfast, the radio coming from downstairs as Lucifer slept and McLennan was upstairs sleeping too. It was like they were a family. I wonder if Tony was the same with his parents, or if Sam is hiding out with Tony? Maybe Sam is at the house with his adoptive family. Did Mikasa ever tell her mothers? Does anyone know the truth about them? About what we did?

"Greg, please hurry up. I have to run a few errands before Lucifer and McLennan are up," Will said. I nod and get into the back. Jaime sat in the front after placing our stuff in the boot. I laid down. Closing my eyes as Will started the car.

"What errands do you have to do?"

"I have to visit the bank to settle a deposit, visit my mother, and pick up some supplies so we can finish the roof and the bathroom for McLennan," Will said.

"Oh, your mother lives here?" When did they get along so well?

"Oh no she's in Wales," I heard before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

I looked at Jaime, the brother wasn't as annoying as the whores. The two hypersexual teens were too much to handle for longer than five hours. I slowed down the car as we approached a red light.

"London? How are you here?" The raven-haired answered. I glanced at him. His eyes were a dark brown, I think of sweets. Strange how life plays out. I looked back at the road and continued the way to their mother's house.

"I didn't know we were playing some form of twenty questions," I said.

"If Greg is so into you and Lucifer, I plan to make an effort in playing nice," Jaime sighed and leaned back into the seat. I scrunched my nose. Right effort. For Greg I suppose. I find Lucifer much easier to like, we have some odd... odd relationship I suppose.

"I moved here on business. An offer. I was sent to-- I'll kill you if you tell anyone," I said. Greenlight. I wait a few seconds, a honk behind me but someone comes speeding across the street, afterwards, I started to press the gas. They live much farther north, in the nicer area of France.

"Got it, won't tell a soul," Jaime said, a hint of amusement in his eyes. I chuckled. He seemed alright.

"I was sent on a job, my mother's gotten herself in some trouble. She sends my brother away, my sister to another country, and me to solve it. Don't get me wrong, my brother is intelligent, just as cynical as well, but they don't get along. Not that I do with her, I suppose it's just easier to assume the middle child can do as you need," I said. It was more than anyone besides Lucifer has heard from me.

"I assume this job wasn't exactly legal," Jaime looked out the window. His mind was somewhere else as he talks, I glanced to the rearview mirror. Greg was snoring peacefully.

"A regular Friday night is destroying a club and killing the owner. It's never legal," I scoffed.

"So I've heard. Anyways, this job, did you ever finish it?"

"No, I've done enough research to know they get off on the chase. If they kill each other, oh well. Not much I can do," I shrugged. Been there, done that. It's the rush that makes you feel alive.

"Suppose they both die, what happens then?"

"We split the inheritance and toss her ashes somewhere, maybe a dumpster. I'm not throwing a ceremony for someone who hated my real family. Scott is a smart man, he won't let my mother die yet," I shrugged. Jaime looked at me.

"I bet you're into some freaky things Will," He said. He runs a hand throw the messy mop of his.

"I prefer the term spicy," I smirked as I pulled into the driveway of their cute small home. It may be nicer, and calmer, but our house was larger and enough to keep adopting orphans for some fucking reason. I parked the car and turned around. Greg had drool coming down his chin, it would ruin my seat. "Gregory, Gregory dear," I said, I tapped his stomach that was exposed from his lifted sweater. Jaime rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Greg! We're here!" Jaime yelled. Greg shot up and looked at me. His face was bright red when I wiped the disgusting drool off his chin.

"Erm... What's going on?" His voice was hoarse.

"You're at your mother's. I needed to run errands, remember? Get out of my car," I purred. Gregory is a tomato. He nods and Jaime hurried to get his stuff down. Greg does the same. I watch as the two boys knock on the door. Their mother opened the door, her stare lingers on me. I smirk. Her face was worried. I pulled away from the driveway and head off to the bank with payment from the last job. Mikasa probably wants her cut off the pay. I meant to run the idea of therapy by her. For herself that is. Maybe later. I'll write it down somewhere so I won't forget.

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