Prologue Part 2 - People suck.

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It's a difficult task to adjust. Some take it in stride, accepting whatever change their life may bring, some enter denial and refuse to believe the change, and others (like me) ignore it for as long as they can.

I'd tried doing that to not have to think about our situation, but now that Pen and I were walking down this road, my mind lacked stimulation; I needed to think of something.

In the end, I needed to face the facts: this was all less than ideal, but I had little to no choice in the matter anymore. Whether it was a hostage situation or some strange cult where my memory had been erased, I couldn't tell. It simply didn't make sense. I should have been nervous, all my instincts told me that's what I should do, and yet I felt nothing. I suppose having no memory had its perks... still, every time I looked away from the road, seeing buildings scattered around with no order or pattern, I (apart from feeling disgusted by its mess) was reminded that I wanted to know myself, why I was here. Even if I had nothing else, that at least, I could focus on.

"Sebastian, sir?" I looked down, snapping away from my monologue to look at Pen. He met my gaze and continued. "According to the map, this is where we go down different paths."

Even though he'd just said it, I verified by glancing at his watch. His route took him down one of the many branching paths this road had, leading him away from the main path and off to God knows where.

What I didn't understand is why he felt the need to tell me of this.

"Alright, and...?"

It didn't make sense to me and yet, somehow, he looked at me as if I'd just given him terrible news.

"It means we're going to go our separate paths from here on out," he said, which, honestly, sounded fine by me. I gave him a brief nod and then turned to keep walking - I had more urgent business to take care of: my business.

"Farewell, sir!" For the first time since he'd spoken to me, he had raised his voice, something very uncharacteristic of the Pen I'd known for thirty minutes.

I had to turn around. I didn't realize that me not saying goodbye meant that much, or maybe I was just insensitive. Whatever the reason, now I almost felt ashamed at my inaction.

Somewhat awkwardly, I raised my hand in a wave. "Yeah... see ya, I guess." It didn't feel like enough. "... Have fun with your new roommates," I added. It was difficult being emotionally aware when I really did not care for him. Could you blame me? I had much more pressing concerns on my mind right now.

Still, it looked like I'd clearly upset him, and that much at least I couldn't leave like this. Even with my half added goodbye, he didn't seem satisfied. Now that he'd gotten in my head, neither was I.
"Hey, I mean it y'know? I get it must be scary—" for someone as young as him, I didn't add— "but I'm sure you'll be okay. Just gotta... be yourself, right?"

Even though I was saying this, I was skeptical of this advice for myself; I'm not exactly what one would call friendly.

Still, my reassurance seemed to have done the trick, which was a relief to me as well. Pen offered a light smile.

"Of course, sir. Good luck with your own side of things," he said.

"I won't need luck."

"I meant it more so to those that will have to share a living space with you." A cheeky smile crossed his face, but at least he didn't seem worried anymore, as minor as that may be. I smirked in return, and then turned to leave before I absolutely annihilated him for his comment like I knew I would.

We did go our separate ways, but I had the feeling he'd be okay. As long as no one decided to tease him for his overly polite demeanour, I thought.
I felt a protective sense surge through me for a fleeting moment when I thought about him getting teased for that. I bit my lip and kept walking, keen on arriving to my destination.

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