Chapter 11 - Keep me ignorant.

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The beach bustles with people when I arrive, families sitting on their towels and kids in the water with their parents. The waves aren't strong enough to look intimidating.

I spot out of the corner of my eye a family of five, walking away from the crowd and heading to a more secluded area. I'm not surprised, I would move away with this many people too, but something else makes me decide to follow them.

They eventually reach a quiet part of the beach, hidden away by large rocks that form a small natural pool where there aren't waves and the water is shallow. When the family reaches this spot, away from everybody else, I get a better look at them. I can recognize the woman, man, and the boy from the dream... from when I died, but the other two weren't there. They feel familiar, though.

I move closer, past the three I can recognize, and watch the other two that are entering the water. The one I assume is the eldest (with maybe 7 years old?) is guiding the smaller one to make sure he doesn't trip, which is smart considering the smallest one looks to be about 2.

My eyes focus on the eldest, and that's when I realize.

It's me.

I watch myself help the smallest one move along the water, their steps wide and making too many splashes, and the water fortunately shallow enough to be able to stand up.

But then, who's the other one? It isn't until I notice the short, silky blonde hair and the curious eyes that I recognize him.


The very same Pen I first met here, was being guided by me inside a memory. It didn't connect, the chances of us knowing each other weren't incredibly high, but in this memory it seemed I'd known him for a while... Then why didn't he remember me when we arrived? Was it because this was just that long ago? Even as I was watching the scene unfold, it didn't seem to make any more sense.

But I was starting to remember it. My family and Pen in the water, having a beach day. I wasn't used to suddenly remembering outside of Paradise, but I could. What I couldn't help but wonder was why. Why this of all memories, and now of all times?

They seemed to be having fun, even when I tripped and nearly drowned in knee-deep water.
No one worried, they simply picked me up and we kept playing. It was such a simple day: Pen, my brother, and I were playing, laughter between all of us, and it was like there was nothing to worry about.

As sudden as the image appeared in my head, it disappeared again.

I realize when I look up that the sun has set long ago, and I'm freezing cold, wet, still in my clothes, and out of the water.

Picking myself up, I let out an annoyed groan and hugged myself, trying to conserve at least some body heat. How did I get out here? If it was Li, I'd rather throw myself back into the water.

Before I'm able to put more thought into it, I hear the pitter patter of someone running along the asphalt.

"Sebby, you woke up!" Claire stopped in front of me, holding a bundle of pink clothes in her arms. "You were out for a while, I was getting worried."
I blinked up at Claire and stood up with numbing legs, shivering.

"Here, I got ya some new clothes and a towel," she said, holding them out to me. I grimaced seeing the pink and white t-shirt with a bubble design, and the short shorts, but it was better than using these wet ones.

"Look away," I said, taking them from her hands. I started undressing the moment Claire turned away, peeling my clothes away from my skin with a grimace. "How did you find me?"

"The System lets us find anyone we're looking for. Pretty convenient, huh? Antoinette was actually the one that suggested we find you, she was worried you were taking so long."

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