Attention Seeker

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Warning: this chapter contains vulgar language. If you do not like vulgar language then I advise you to please skip this chapter and read the next one. Thank you and have fun reading!

Namjoon and I walk to my locker so I can quickly get out my textbooks and we book it to my third period, History. I don't why but I have a bad feeling about something bad is gonna happen.

We make it to class and I feel and instant wave of deja Vu... something bad. I feel everyone's eyes on me. Looking at me like I did something bad or said something wrong. You know, that feeling of when you're at church and yell or do something bad then get glares from all those people. That feeling of shame mixed in with embarrassment. But this is a bit different, like everyone staring at you is somehow mad at you. At me...what happened? Did I do something wrong?

Namjoon softly places his hand on my shoulder and I turn back. "Ignore them. Let's make it to our seats." I do as he says and we walk to our seats in the classroom.

While walking to my seat I hear whispers amongst the other students. I hear them utter words under their breathe. Words such as 'liar', 'attention seeker', 'Slut', and many more awful words that I wouldn't dare to repeat. Once I sat down I placed my backpack on the floor and started munching at the tasteful burrito Namjoon made. He put his stuff down and looked at me.

"I'll be right back. Just need to go to the bathroom before class starts."

"Okay." I respond back with a grin. He cracks a gummy smile and walks out. Once he walks out these two girls who sit in the front of the classroom get up and walk towards me. They're no-good ass kissers who stick to Justin all the time. They practically fans of his..augh. They stomp and stop in front of my desk. I look up slowly to them and display a smirk. "Yes?" The instant they see my face one of them scrunches their nose in disgust and slaps hard across the face. That bitch slapped me real hard! My damn face feels numb now with a subtle sting.

"Thanks to your slutty ass Justin has to serve time in jail! Bitch He doesn't deserve such a shitty sentence just cause your stupid bitch ass charged him with false stuff about rape." The blonde bimbo who has her boobs and butt out all the time is calling me a slut'! Me!... me! Gosh us she dumb but I have, have to keep my cool

"You don't know anything. What the hell do you mean 'false charges' he's the one who drugged me and tied me up by force. You know nothing so I suggest you get your facts straight, slut!" And with that she slaps me across the face once again, this time her long red nails leave a scratch on my face with a bit of blood reaching the surface.

"Who are you calling a slut you attention seeking whore! You just did all of this for attention! You wanted to become better than us. Well guess what bitch, you're not. You're an awful whore who wants attention and is willing to lie!" That little bitch! That's it, I'm not gonna stand here and let her spout crap from her mouth. I get up and slam my balled up fist on the desk then get close up to her face.

"I suggest you stop before you cause an even bigger scene than you already have caused." She twists her face into a look of disgust then hisses at me and spits on my face.

"Like hell I'll stop. You shouldn't even say anything. You tricked Justin into getting in trouble when you already have a boyfriend!" My eyes widen in shock...

"Who are you talking about?"

"You know who! That tall looking dude who follows you around like a lost puppy. Bet you've fucked him Soo many times. Well guess what, once this shit is all over I'll be targeting him just to piss you off. You'll get a taste of what's it's like to have someone you adore be screwed over." She gets close or my face and says the words 'ill have him wrapped around my finger' that instantly sets me off. I don't know why but hearing her say those nasty words really boils my blood and is pushing me to the edge.

In a split second I slap her hard in the face twice. She grabs both of her cheeks and looks at me in shock. This is gonna go well...we grab at each other's hair and are left with one another punching each other. Well...mostly me not really her. It's more like she pulled my hair, I pinned her to the ground and her slutty friend tried to pull me away but I elbow her then continue punching the other I e incluso the face. I don't know what's gotten into me but I feel a sense of adrenaline and blankness at the same everything around me is gone and it's only me and her.

That doesn't last long cause then I soon feel two sets of arms grab me and pull me away.

"Let go! I need to beat the shit out of her so she can learn her lesson!"

"No. Y/n you need to stop. You've done enough." Yoongi?

"Yeah y/n I think shes learned her lesson already." Jimin? I come to my senses once I hear their sweet voices then realise what I've done...her face is blue and she's bleeding from the edges of her lips. She deserves it though...but not this badly..oh God, what have I done. What have I done. My legs feel numb. I fall to the ground and my whole body starts to ache. Jimin and Yoongi start to hug me while the girls friend picks her up and starts and walks out but before she does she looks at me with a look of terror...what have I done.

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