⇨Friend or Foe?↵

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If you thought, for one second, that i was just going to hide really well during Manhunt, you are wrong.  That is the pussy way to play manhunt.  

"GOT YOU!" someone near me screamed.  There was a loud groan and i heard someone get up huffing puffing.  They were clearly upset that they got caught,  and the catcher laughed.  Eats.  I had just met this kid, and i already hated him.  From the moment he fell down onto the ground screaming, to when he smacked my boob.  I knew he was looking for me, and i knew that I was one of the last ones hiding.  "GOT YOU!" He screamed again, but i knew his plan.  I closed my eyes, and remained still.  He was trying to scare me out of hiding. I laying my head on the ground as his flashlight went over the spot where i was.  I sucked in my breath and held still.  The light went over me and Eats continued on walking.  I breathed out lightly, and lifted my face out of the ground.

I saw Eats standing there looking around so i wiggled out of my spot and ran straight towards a tree.  I quickly hid behind it, hearing Eats turn around and look at the spot i had just run out of.  

"Did you find that girl?" I heard Davey run of to Eats and ask him.  

Eats grunted.  "No, but i know she's close," Eats turned towards Davey.  "Why is she so damn hard to find?"

"She's the last one, we have everyone looking for her now."

I smirked to myself, and watched as Eats frowned and turn back to the spot i was just.  He flashed his flashlight around the area and shined on the tree i was behind.  He stood there, staring at one spot trying to figure out if a person was there.  I saw many people looking around for me around the road, but i had the perfect idea to end the game.  

I waited until i saw everyone's back on me, and then i looked at Eats who was inching towards a bush that looked like a great hiding spot for next time.  I took a step out from the tree and waited for someone to yell that they saw me.  It didn't happen.  I started walking towards Eats, quickly.  Any one of those kids could turn around and find me, but since they all were very focused on looking for me, none of them looked right in the open.  I got up right behind Eats, who was very focused on the bush, and smirked.  In one swift motion i grabbed my flashlight, turned it on and jumped right in front of Eats.  He screamed, covering his face and then fell to the ground.  Again.  

I screamed with laughter.  Eats uncovered his face and lifted himself into a sitting position and glared at me.  I put my hand to my chest, to help myself from laughing, but looking into his angry but still scared eyes made me laugh even harder than i fell on the ground gasping for air.  Every time i calmed down, i thought of his face and then laughed even harder.  I rolled on the ground, tears coming out of my eyes as i clenched onto my stomach.  

Everyone came around, watching as I rolled on the ground with laughter and as Eats glared at me, also on the ground.  He leaned over and smacked me hard on the arm.  "Shut the hell up!"  Now he was embarrassed.  Eats stood up, and kicked me in the shin.  At once i stopped laughing, and sat up furiously.  

"What was that for?" i asked, still a little laughy.  I rubbed my shin and stood up, furrowing my eyebrows at the boy in front of me. 

Eats frowned as everyone was suddenly watching us.  Even Davey Farradick and Woodland were watching.  "Why did you have to do that?" he whispered furiously.  

I looked around.  "Why are you whispering?" i whispered back.  "Everyone saw it."  He turned towards me and glared.

"Yeah, thats why I'm pissed," he mumbled and turned away, walking to Davey, Farradick, and Woodland.  

"Well you didn't have to physically abuse me," i sighed, rubbing my arms and shin where he had hit me.  Everyone around my gasped.

"Oh yeah? Well you don't have to keep bullying me about falling down-"

"Pussy!  Its because it was so funny-"

"But do you have to keep bringing it u-"

"I didn't bring up anything you're the one that-"

"Then why did you push me down ag-"

"Because you touched me innapropriatey-"

"I didn't touch you i hit you lightly-"

"Yeah in the bo-"

"STOP!" Davey screamed, jumping in front of Eats and I, who were face to face with our fists clenched.  Davey turned to all the boys watching.  "Game and show is over, go home." The kids groaned and slowly left, but I still gave Eats a death glare with my fists still clenched.  Eats mimicked me.  Davey turned back to Eats and I.  "You two, knock it off.  Tommy, you shouldn't have touched her, and uh..."

"Dee," I growled, still in fighting stance against Eats.  Then i looked up at Davey confused and relaxed a bit.  "Tommy?"  

Eats groaned and rolled his eyes.  "Dude I told you to stop calling me that."

"Its Eats's real name.  Tommy Eaton." Davey quickly explained.  "But-"

"Well if we aren't using street names," i smiled, standing up straight and putting my arms down.  "My name is Devyn but if you call me Devyn or Dev I'll rip your dick right out of you."

All four boys looked at my shocked.  "Okay..." Davey muttered, rubbing his neck.  "Dee, you shouldn't have scared him again."

"But he-"

"I don't care," Davey sighed.  He turned to other three boys.  "Tree house?"  I stood there, uncomfortable and not sure if i should go home or not.  The boys started to converse about what they were going to do up in the tree house and how long they would be there so i took that as my cue to leave.  I picked up my walkie and flashlight on the ground and turned it on.  I shined it in front of me and walked across the yard, which belonged to Officer Mackey, and started to walk off of his lawn.

"Dee!" I heard someone yell.  I sighed and turned around, expecting to see Davey holding something i left or some stupid thing like that... but Eats was the one that was facing towards me.  "Aren't you going to join us?"  I cocked my head to the side and asked myself if i really wanted to go over to my new enemy's house with a bunch of boys to go up in a tree house with them.  I thought of how Eats hit me inappropriately and didn't apologize, and now suddenly he wants to hang out with me?  Boys were so confusing, but i looked behind me at the dark and saw how much i had to walk to get to my house.  in the dark. all alone.  to a house where my mother was sobbing.  probably thinking about killing herself.  or has another guy over and is cheating.  or is drinking and probably would get angry at me if i came home before she passed out on the couch.  I looked back at Eats and sighed.  Slowly i turned off my flashlight and walked right up the boys.  

"I'm down but," i looked at Eats.  "No touching me."  Eats sighed, and the boys agreed immediately.  I smiled at Farradick, because he was my neighbor and he was taking me home.  "You're taking me home Farradick."  

"Niceeeee catch Farraday, by the end of the night she'll be on your dick," Eats nudged his friend and smirked at me.  Davey led us to Eats's house , which was...shit.  He was my neighbor too.  

"What are you talking about?  I'll always be on yours, Eats," I winked at him.  Eats clutched his chest and stared at me dreamily.  I giggled, but then stopped.  I looked at Eats joking around with Farradick, and furrowed my eyebrows.  

One moment we were up each others throats and the next thing i know we are joking around like it was normal.  I couldn't tell if I hated him or not...   Davey said something about not having enough body strength to climb into the tree house without the ladder.  But Eats looked back at me and smirked.  

"I mean, Dee could.  Have you seen her upper body?" Eats smiled dreamily.  But he went too far.  Nope.  I hated him.  

Next thing I knew my fist was colliding with Eats face.  


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