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I looked around at my classmates, feeling bittersweet nostalgia. After this, we'd all be going our separate ways with no guarantee of ever seeing each other again. Most of us were heading out of state for college. The only one staying in state was Bentley. I felt sorry for him because his girlfriend was attending college in Boston - all the way across the country. But Skye and Bentley have been together since the summer before junior year and I knew they'd make it through - or at least make a huge effort to.

I glanced around the bleachers while shielding my face from the glaring sun. I saw my parents sitting with my grandparents and cousins then looked over a little to the right - Camden! I wasn't sure if he'd be able to make it or not.

I broke into a huge grin then leaned forward in my chair, tapping Skye on the shoulder.

"Skye, Camden is here!"

"Well duh," she said without turning around. "He's your boyfriend, he wasn't gonna miss your graduation."

"Well, I wasn't sure if he would be able to make it or not."

"Well surprise!" she turned around and smiled before looking back at the podium on the raised stage.

Dr. Everly walked up on the stage and all the board members started clapping, leading everyone else in a round of applause. "Good afternoon family members, students, teachers. Today we celebrate and send off the graduating class of 2020 of La Vista High School. These seniors have walked through the halls of our high school for the past 4 years and I'm sure they're ready to leave." she smiled and the crowd chuckled. "Please allow me to introduce this year's Valedictorian, Aliyah Evans." She grinned and motioned to the pale, blonde girl walking towards the podium. I smiled at the sight of one of my best friends, proud of her and what she's done and what I knew she would do.

"Good afternoon everyone." she began. "Today is the day that we're gonna look back on for the rest of our lives thinking, 'We survived it!' High school was absolute torture and we all survived by some miracle!" she laughed.

"Today is the closing of one door and the opening of another. We've all experienced countless things that are classified under the 'High School Experience.' Some things were amazing, and some were...not.

"But we can take the lessons learned, the experiences made and memories we'll keep with us to the next chapters of our lives. For some of us that's college, for others, trade school or straight into the workforce, maybe even a gap year. We don't know where life will take us or where we'll end up in the end, but no matter what, we'll remember high school and the teachers we had and the hallways we've walked down numerous times, as the one thing that helped shape us for the rest of our lives. No matter where we end up in life, we'll all know that we have a place in our hearts for La Vista High School. And we'll take everything we've learned here and use it to guide us with whatever comes our way. Thank you."

Everyone applauded and the student section gave her high-fives as she walked down the stage and took her seat.

"And now, we'll announce our graduates, Class of 2020." Dr. Everly announced and we all cheered, ready to receive our diplomas and get the heck out of there.

We all stood up in procession and lined up beside the side stairs. I looked around once more with a rush of joy, excitement, a little fear, but mostly happiness. This was it. I was finally done with high school. I was ready to begin the next chapter of my life.

"Quinn Brooks," one of my closest best friends walked on stage and received her diploma, looking back at us and flashing a thumbs up. Memories of us partnering up in class, her coaching me through cross country track, her squealing when I revealed I read Harry Potter for the first time and had totally fallen in love with it flashed through my mind as I sent her a thumbs up back."She will be attending East Texas Baptist University." We all cheer at the name and watch her stand off to the side where the students waited to hurl our caps.

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