Clubbing < Harry Potter

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For lunch, we all headed out to this restaurant called "The Grub." Everyone ordered the infamous 'Crack Bacon. ' I couldn't help but giggle as I ordered it because I envisioned a pig's butt after reading the name. However, it actually tasted pretty good.

Afterwards, we walked out to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and I took pictures with several of the stars, like Julie Andrews, the Three Stooges and Adam Sandler.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Annie is playing at the Bowl tonight!" Aliyah exclaimed while scrolling through her phone.

"Ugh," Emery wrinkled her nose in an obvious display of disgust. But then she looked up from her phone with equal excitement to Aliyah. "Guys, we can get free admission to a live taping!"

"To what?" Aliyah grumped at the displeasure her idea brought about. "The newest season of The Young and the Restless?"

Emery looked back up. "No, you fatty. It's to the sequel of Friends!" Everyone but Aliyah perked up at this, who was still muttering to herself that it was James's fault that she was stuck with carrying two children and that she was not fat.

"Why not?" I said and looped my arm through Emery's. "Come along everyone! Let's go watch some comedy, my very skinny friends!"

~ ~ ~

Watching the pilot was amazing. It was hilarious and amazing to watch it unfold live, except for one tiny major detail: Skye conveniently had to tie her shoe, which gave Camden the perfect window of time to plop down next to me, much to my dismay. He kept trying to hold my hand throughout the whole thing but I was not having it. Every time he reached for it, I shoved my hand inside my jacket pocket. When he still didn't get the message, I turned to him and angrily whispered, "Are you stupid? Stop or I'll slap your pretty face!" But then I realized what I had said, so I turned back to the taping and ignored him, face bright red.

After it was over, I beat everyone else outside and was waiting for them when Camden came popped out of the door and scurred over to me.

"Seriously? Can you not take a hint? I don't wanna talk about this anymore!" I sighed exasperatedly and scooched further down the sidewalk.

"Hey you guys," I turned to see Layla and Quinn walking towards us.

"So we've decided to go clubbing tonight," Layla smiled mischievously and I immediately frowned, thinking of all the scenarios that could end in disaster..

"How about no?" I tried to smile sweetly but Quinn still looked disappointed.

"C'mon, you old lady! We can celebrate Skye and Bentley's engagement and Aliyah won't have a drop of anything but water." Layla insisted and Aliyah ambled up behind her with Jameson.

"I think it's a great idea!" she smiled and I just shook my head wondering how a seriously pregnant girl could manage to have any fun at a club.

I honestly thought it was a terrible idea. I most certainly didn't need to get drunk with Camden near, but since I liked boring things like antiquing, I never got a say on what we did.

Several hours later, after shopping for what seemed suitable to go to a club in (we all went to Skye for advice since she's been to several), we were all standing outside of Club DV8. It looked like a place crawling with sketchy people and I was not excited at all. The only thing that made me feel slightly better was the sight of an even more uncomfortable Camden. He once told me he never wanted to go to a club and it appeared that was still the case.Next to him was a moody Jude who was not so discreetly staring at Layla who was too busy looking all around the street to notice.

"Honestly, I regret voting for this," Quinn leaned over and whispered to me.

"Yeah, I wish we'd gone exploring a different aspect of LA than this dingy club...." I agreed and looked down at my watch. It was only 9:30. Ugh.

"Why don't we wait till no one notices and we sneak away?" I raise an eyebrow and Quinn nods in agreement. "Yes please, this crowd is making me uncomfortable," she says while looking around, rubbing her hand up and down her arm. "Hey, I'm trying to send a text but I'm not getting service so I'm going across the road. Quinn is coming with me." I tell Skye and she just nods and turns back around, continuing her conversation with Emery.

We both look both ways before crossing the street, then making sure no one sees us, we round the corner and sit down on a bench. "You know what I want?" I ask while thinking of the one thing we could use right now. "Ice cream?" "Oh yes!" I grin and take off my heels. And then I remember that ice cream was the first thing Camden ever paid for me.

Why am I like this? Literally everything reminds me of him. This is why I need closure. So I can move on. And just forget about him.

We find the nearest ice cream parlor through Google and take an Uber to it. And then I text Skye that we'll be back at the hotel by 1 just so she won't go calling the cops on us and have us on the next Missing poster.

"Oh my gosh, this is the best ice cream I've ever tasted!" Quinn looks like she's about to die from happiness but I disagree. "There was this one parlor in Denton and every weekend during college, I'd go get a cone. It is still the best ice cream I've ever had to this date." I say while licking my own and Quinn looks like I just one-upped her. "But this is still really good!" I smile to make her feel better.

After sitting in the parlor for a good hour, it's only 11. "We've still got tons of time left to kill." I put my phone back in my purse.

"I have a perfect idea!" Quinn's eyes light up and I get excited.


"We go buy popcorn, snacks and drinks and then the Harry Potter movies and have the best marathon ever!"

Every time we used to hang out, we'd binge Harry Potter. Now it's like a blast from the past.

"Well duh! Let's go," I pick up my heels off the floor and we both head out to find the nearest store.

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