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She snapped out of the memory as she met the same dark brown eyes that broke her heart, months ago.

She looked down at her shoes and walked out the door without saying a word.

"There's you are!",she looked up seeing Jungkook approach her. "I've been wondering where you were, for a second I thought you had to take a dump" he said chuckling slightly.

She stayed silent.

"Hey what's wrong?",he asked with worried etched in his voice as he took her chin with his index finger and lifted her face so he could look at her.

He looked behind her as the door behind them opened revealing a guy and a girl.

"Katy", the guy called out.

Katy stayed silent.

"Katy you know him?",Jungkook asked eying the guy.

"No", she said quietly. "Let's go", she said grabbing his wrist and leading him downstairs.

"Katy...Katy....KATY slow down, where are we going"

She lead them outside in front of the house and immediately broke down crying. She couldn't take it, the painful memories rushing into her mind.

Jungkook held her in his arms as she cried out everything. "Shhh, it's ok love, everything is going to be ok"

When she was calm enough he sat down on a step and pulled her onto his lap. She buried her face into his neck as she calmed herself down. After sitting there for around 5 minutes he felt her breathing steady and heard soft snores come from her. He smiled looking at her face. "You shouldn't cry beautiful".

"What did you do!",was all he heard as Jasmine came charging out of the house.

"I didn't do anything some jerk did something, I don't know what, but I was comforting her until she fell asleep"

"What do you mean some jerk, tell me what he looks like so I can beat his face in"

"Umm...your kinda to small to handle him..."

"No I'm not, now tell me before I hurt you instead"

"Um he was about 5'10, really muscular, Korean,black hair with a bowl cut thats kinda parted on his forehe-"


"What gasp, why gasp, gasp isn't good"

" I don't know nor trust you well enough to say, you have to ask her"

They sat in silence for a while.

"Do you guys have a ride home? If not I can give you one."

"No we don't and I'm taking your offer since it's late" she said as she bent to his level, " but know that if you try anything I will personally cut off your balls and feed them to you raw. Understood?"

He gulped and nodded quickly. He led Jasmine to his Range Rover while carrying Katy bridal style. Jasmine got in the front- making comments about how she didn't expect him to drive such a nice car - so he could lay Katy down in the back.

"Alrighty, let's get this show on the road"

"....say that again and I'll kill you now"

"Yes ma'am...sorr-"

"Stop talking"

He nodded and pulled out of the driveway.

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