Toy's Or Truth

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Fuck, I'm in such a mess but what a beautiful mess it is. Never have I been late for a meeting, especially one as important as my Pape claimed this one was. He's sure to serve my ass up on a silver platter for this but God my night with Tia was worth it.

Just thinking of her made a smile spread across my face. Last night was different in so many ways. It wasn't just sex, it was much more. Never had I felt a connection like this. Never had I wanted to please someone so bad. Never had I wanted to claim another female. In fact I couldn't wait until my work day was over so I could rush back to her place and fall back in her. I even left my number with her. I've never given it out.

Huffing, I raced into the building and straight to the Den. I didn't take the time to make myself presentable. I entered the conference room looking like a disheveled pair of old boots. My hair was a mess, my shirt partially tucked into my wrinkled pants and my shoes slid onto sockless feet. However I didn't care because Tia's scent clung to me server as a reminder that she was now mine and I hers.

I didn't realize all eye's were trained on me and the goofy grin I now wore until my Pape cleared his throat and looked at his watch annoyingly. "Care to explain the fuck you been? You're asshole of a brother claimed he didn't know either. I find that hard to believe. Aren't twins suppose to have some kind of sixth sense building or something. Now please indulge all of us on what was so important that you kept us waiting?"

I glanced around the room and noticed my Pape was sporting a small bandage over his eye from mom's baseball bat attack. Yet she was pearched on his lap smiling up at him as he gently stroked her back. Obviously I missed something in my absent but I was relieved that they seemed cool for now. Hopefully thing's were finally worked out between them. Noticing that everyone was still awaiting my answer. "You've kept us waiting long enough. Tell us why you are late". My dad spoke again.

Duel gave the lame ass fake cough trick and mumbled "pussy" underneath it.

"Is that so Heir?" My Pape questioned.

Running a stressful hand through my hair I nodded. "I've met someone and yes, I've been with her and would like to leave it at that for now. I promise it will not interfere with work again".

My cousin's shared a shocked expression between them. Was it that unbelievable that I just might be settling for one woman? My Pape released a deep breath. "I hope you have taken the time to look into her past. Remember you can never be too careful when you're a Harper. Does she know about us?"

" No. I don't plan to tell her just yet. I'd rather wait and see how far this goes and of course I've researched her". I lied.

Truth was I haven't looked into her history. Not that I wasn't tempted but for once I wanted a little normalcy. I want Tia to be the one to tell me about her. I want us to discover each other together. I mean she's a big time model, how dangerous could she be?

"Well I hope she isn't dating one of your cousin's and you're pulling an idiotic stunt like your brother Sire pulled". Pape cracked.

His retort made Sire sneer and CJ look down the table at him like a killer. It was obvious the two still had some bad friction concerning Alice. Pape chuckled at getting the boy's riled but at least I had been forgotten. "Now let's get this going. I've got a lot to cover and I plan on taking my queen out for a early dinner".

There was a moment of shuffling about as we all settled down and tuned in to the meeting. "I'll try and make this short and sweet. It was recently brought to my attention by my beautiful wife that I should share some vital information with you all. Everyone here knows how all our leads have been turning out... Either dead ends, false accounts or we barely missed the mark. At our last attempt at capturing some info I found this note".

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