One Emotion.... Seek And Destroy

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Mizery's POV

My place.

My only corner in this life of mine where I could unleash my true self. My haven.

In my room, at the back of my closet is a small hidden door or as my parent's refer to it as the crawl space. Since I was a child this was my domain. My place of escape when the voices get to strong. When I feel as if some other force was trying to control my body and thoughts I seek refuge here.

Sometimes my Pape would join me when the pull was too strong in him. Together we would sit in silence and battle for control. Other time's he would open up to me about his condition and I to him. Even though it could be a burden it was our special bond, our link. It was like we could feel each other's turbulent emotions rumbling. One of a kind we was.

However on this night I had a bad itch that wouldn't go away. My Pale had missed my cheek goodbye as he left to go out with my uncle Dem. From the time the door shut a sinking feeling struck me and I knew the winds were about to change. These emotions only encouraged my craziness to surface. In an attempt to drown all the commotion in my head out, I escaped to my little hole in the wall.

The only light came from one bulb that dangled in the center of the small space. I always chose a red bulb. The glow of red light comforted me. A small crate type table sat againest one wall where I kept a few sweet smelling candles that promised relaxation. Large, comfy throw pillows littered the floor so that I could stretch out comfortably. Every creak of the building could be heard from this small space but I didn't find it creepy.  Instead I found the spooky sound comforting as a lullaby.

With my back pressed against the wall, I let my head roll side to side as I fought the urges. I can't explain it but I felt as if something bad were about to happen. It came to no surprise when I heard the shrill scream of my mother's voice ring out. Blowing the candles out, I left my little cocoon and prepared myself to soldier up. I met my mother in the hall. "Mizery, come quick. You're Pape has been shot and on the way to the Den."

Grabbing my hand, she ushered me out the door and I felt the numbness sitting in. As we pushed our way into the Den we saw my uncle carring my blood covered, unconscious Pape in. Instantly my mom let go of my hand and raced to him. "Olive no. No Olive. Look at me baby"

My Pape remained unresponsive as they disappeared through the metal doors leading to surgery. I remained rooted in the same spot watching the metal doors sway gently from being disturbed. I felt my arm being rubbed but didn't bother to turn and see who it was. "Oh Mizery. I'm so sorry. Come, let's sit". I heard Alice say.

Without removing my gaze from the shiny metal doors, I caught my reflection in them and jerked my arm free from Alice's grasp. "If you enjoy having your hands you'll remove them from me immediately" . I gritted out.

Instantly I felt Alice's grip evaporate. Turning on my heel, I stalked to the command center. I knew the men would be there viewing the surveillance video and obtaining any information that seemed substantial. Finding a empty computer, I pulled up a chair and began my own investigating. I had viewed the video for so long that my eyes were now burning but I wouldn't give up until I had something worthy to go on.

Slowing the video down more I saw something odd, out of place even. Using the zoom option I brought the section up bigger. There, about ten feet from the car that his the shooter was a man. He was dressed finely but it seemed as if was approaching the car. Could he be apart of whoever was responsible for this?

I let the video play on in slow motion. As he moved toward the car I saw him reach for his gun and aim towards the car. Before he could fire the car exploded and he fell back on the concrete. In the next instant two blurrs dressed in black ran by and vanished around the corner. The man seemed to state in bewilderment before a few men lifted him up and rushed him off. Zooming in closer and using special optics I removed the fuzziness from his face. Leaning closer to the screen, I looked hard. I sat back in a rush as I recognized who the person was.

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