She Love's Me.... Not

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As I sat in the backseat of the car with my hands cuffed together, Tia had turned around in the seat to look out the back glass. I'm assuming she was watching patrons run from the club. "You really should get down. We don't know who's shooting and they may have spotted us".

To my amazement she did turn around and slumped a bit lower but didn't get into the floor. Probably out of defiance toward me. "Tia, I really need to talk to you, explain myself" .

My word's were cut short as she also a punch into my jaw. "Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear a peep from you unless it's your cries for mercy".

In the next instant she was straddled across my lap with her hands wrapped snuggly around my neck. "Are you scared Heir, huh? You should be". She hissed.

In all honesty I wasn't. I thought her attempt at trying to be a tough mafia girl was rather comical but I'd never let her know that. If this is what she needed to recover from my abuse, to extract her revenge then I'll let her have it. I'll be her therapy. Truth is, if I wanted to I could be out of these cuffs in no time and have her under my control. Basically everything I'm doing is one big act. Any time I wanted to I could be free and have her along with her men dead all by myself but I owe her this. By willingly being her captive I hope to make amends as well as save her from my family. After the threatening note she sent my Pape won't take it lightly and stay true to his word. Even if she did leave them alone now the damage was done. She's the enemy.

But it's not just about that. My hope is to also get some information out her on who set her free. Yes, I'll let her extract some revenge, let her think she has the upper hand but I'll break loose if and when they try to kill me. I was born for this, trained my entire life for it. She'd need a better army than what she's got to take me down. I'm a Harper and my Firecracker just doesn't realize what that name is capable of.

Placing a scared look upon my face I spoke in a gruff tone as her hands were still squeezing my neck. "I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn. Please, you're hurting me".

I nearly laughed at myself and gave myself away at my pathetic acting. "Please Tia, let me warn you. My family will find you. I have trackers placed on me".

Her eye's grew huge but I had purposely told her that. In order to keep my family from finding us and probably killing her I had to get the trackers off me. "Where" she asked angrily" .

"My watch and belt".

Bending my fingers back I released a fake grunt of pain. "Is that all? Don't lie to me".

" I swear, I'm not lying. Please you're going to break my fingers". I added.

Releasing my fingers, Tia busied herself at taking my watch off and tossed it from the moving car. Next her hands sought my belt out. A hidden smile touched my lips as it felt good to have her hands so close to my growing hard on. "Remember the fun times we had baby?" I said before thinking.

" Of course. I remember your gun time's consisted of stabbing me, stringing me up for day's, beating me. Shall I continue".

Shame filled my soul but before I could reply she punched me in the crotch. Now that did hurt. I hunched over in pain and moaned. "I'll fucking kill you girl".

Tia laughed. "Too late for that. You're my prisoner now. Now say thank you Miss Tia".

I stared daggers at her and really considered breaking free and showing her what's what but I reigned my temper in. Controlling my anger would be the hardest part of this task but I vowed to do it.

Moments later we pulled up at the hotel. Laughing, I said. "Such an idiot. Where did you find your men? Let me guess a buy one get one free sale? Any true mafia leader would know the best  option after kidnapping the son of the biggest mob in America would be to disappear, not stick around. I am almost certain my family is already searching for me".

I saw the wheels in her head thinking this over. If a mob leader is what she wanted to be then a mob leader I'll make her. True,in any other situation I would never tell my captor any of this but I was earnest to get Tia far from my family until I could figure this thing out. "Fuck" she muttered.

"Take us to my jet immediately. We are returning home". She ordered.

Hiding my smirk at her change of plans I leaned my head back on the seat and rested. By the next day we arrived at her home in Germany.  It was a lovely, smaller castle that she had recently renivated. "Take him to the basement" she ordered the men.

I looked over at her and winked. "I'll be seeing you soon Firecracker".

Ignoring me she sauntered off as I was led away. Once in the basement I was stripped of my shirt and strung up By a pipe. This had to be compliments of Tia for stringing her up. One of the men grabbed a stout cane made of bamboo. Mentally I braced myself for the beating that was sure to come. The first lash struck my lower abdomen. Soaking the pain up I didn't release a sound or a grimace. I'd suffered far worse duiring my training. For several minutes I was best like a pinata and lost count of how many lashes I had received but not once did I show pain. Worst part is was that I could escape my ties at any given time I kill them all but I was doing this for love.

Later that night I heard the door creak open and I knew it was her by the scent of her perfume. Quickly I dangled my head as if I had suffered enough. Tia faced me with satisfaction etched on her face. "Are we having fun yet?"

Making my voice sound weak, I spoke. "Please, no more. I need water".

" Of course, let me do your bidding". Tia chirped.

She fetched a cup of water and brought it near my lips. As soon as I opened my lips Tia acted as if she dropped the cup. "Whoops. My bad. You're not getting a damn thing from me".

My eye's held here and I felt sick as I realized how cold I had turned this woman. As I gazed at her I swore I saw a flicker of remorse. Moment's later she returned with a fresh cup of water and carefully held it to my lips and quickly left. I felt as if I set myself free right now I could lock her down here with me and talk thing's out but I didn't want to jump the gun and ruin my chances. As of right now she is oblivious to my acting so the safer she feels with having me secure the better.

The next day her men released me from m ties and let me down only to chain me to the wall where my second beating took place. With each blow I had to remind myself I was doing this for love.

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