Too Much For You

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Laughter filled the car as we sped away. I haven't laughed this hard in ages. My ribs were practically hurting from laughter. Tears seeped from my eye's. Inbetween guffs I sputtered out. "Did you" . Was cut off by laughter.

Attempting to speak again I spluttered. "Did you see". Once again my body was racked with laughter.

Amos had tears streaming from his eye's as well and released a snort which only doubled our laughter. Finally I managed to get my word's out. "Did you see the look on that bitches face when I tossed the firecrackers at her?"

Still laughing Amos could only nod his head. "She got to the ground and rolled as if being attacked by the army. I bet the little pussy bitch shit herself". I continued.

Finally our laughter subsided and we returned to our hotel where we ordered our lunch from room service. Being back in New York felt fantastic, even if I'd only be here for a short time. I'm here for a fashion show and quick photo shoot then I plan to visit my parent's back on the farm. I'm long overdue for a visit with them.

Seems my choice in attire for my cover photo on the magazine has taken the world by storm and none other than myself is the face of the newest fashion craze. The show I'm attending will be introducing the new line of feminine mobstor style clothing. Basically they've taken styles from the nineteen thirties and added some up to date moderations and it's a big hit. I haven't just started a new major trend but the world adores me. Once my story got out about surviving a mafia marriage women idolize me. Fan mail pours in from everywhere and I'm currently up for fearless female award back in Germany. I've even had publisher's contact me for a book deal. Maybe one day but as of right now I have bigger fish to fry.

Later this evening I have a dinner meeting with a designer then I'm expected to make an appearance at one of New York's hottest night club. I haven't even checked to see if the Harper's own it but honestly I don't care. I'm not ever hiding from anyone ever again. Besides my face is plastered everywhere these day's. I couldn't hide if I wanted to. Besides my men are with me so I'm well protected.

Excusing myself after lunch, I went to lie down before my dinner meeting. I dozed off smiling of thoughts of the Harper's. I bet they think I'm here to extract my revenge. No, not yet but all in good time. When I do strike they will never see me coming.

After sitting through that boring dinner I returned to my hotel to get ready for my night out. I opted for a dress styled from the Great Gatsby era. I mean it was me that brought this style back in so I had to support it. The dress was shiny silver underlined with black. It was super short of it wasn't for the fringes that hung you would see my who-ha. I even placed a matching sequins headband that sported a feather or two. Pleased with my look and with Amos by my side we retreated to our waiting car. Half of my men were already set up at the club and the other half followed in front of me as well as behind me.

As soon as we pulled up at the doors I spotted the media with their mics and camera's on the ready. When my door was opened I extended my leg very sultry like and slowly stepped from the car. The flashes from the camera's nearly blinded me but my men were trained for this. Questions were being tossed at me from every angle. "Who designed your dress?" How was your life as a mafia queen? How long will you be in New York? Are you in a relationship? "

I only offered a few smiles and nods as my men ushered me through the crowd inside the doors. A table was waiting on the VIP lounge where I was quickly led. Patrons stopped to hawk and snap shots with their phone's. Many women yelled out "we love you".

But one comment struck a cord with me. Over all the noises I heard it loud and clear. "You're story gave me the courage to leave a unhealthy relationship" .

Stopping in my track's, I stared down at the woman then approached her. To the amazement of the crowd I bent down and wrapped this woman in a tight hug. Everyone loves this and I knew that this photo would be splashed in tomorrow's news. But as I walked away I had to wonder if all these people would love me if they really knew what I was today. If they knew that I planned to kill and reality I was no better than my ex. Would they?

Shaking the feeling I ventured on to my table and threw myself into the party atmosphere. I had a few drinks and had danced to a few songs before returning to my table for a breather. Many men approached me but I wasn't interested. I had goals to accomplish before I thought about that. In fact I don't know if I'll ever be able to love again. Both shots that I had given at it had ended disastrous. Opting for a water this time I leaned back in my chair and just enjoyed the scene. Finally my mind cleared and I caught myself smiling, laughing and engaging in short conversations.

Staring out at the dance floor I watched the people swaying about and decided to join in. As I was preparing to stand it was like the dance floor crowd patted like the sea and I saw him. He was standing at the other end but I knew it was him. Slowly he started to move toward me and a flicker of fear fluttered its way through my body. Was he here to kill me, finish the job off? Then I remembered that I had my men as protection as well as a gun strapped to my side.

He stopped about ten feet from where I sat and we held each other's gaze. There was a softness about his eye's this time. I saw no hatred or malice. What I saw was warmth and possibly sadness. Feeling an old loving feeling resurface I quickly shook it off with images of the brutal thing's he did to me. He took a few steps closer but my men intercepted him and wouldn't allow him any closer. It was then I saw the old gang emerge ready for battle. Spotting Mizery a laugh bubbled up as I recalled events from earlier today. Smiling, I blew her a kiss. Mizery pretended to catch it and put it in her mouth and chew it then spit it out.

As I was watching the tussel between my men and then a series of shots rang out and I knew the Harper's were attacking. Gripping my gun I chose to be ready this time. More shots sounded out and bodies started falling. I saw the girl I had hugged earlier in the line of fire. Something came over me and I ran towards her shoving her under a table for safety. As I stood back up I came face to face with a gun. The slimy bastard grinned and boomed. "Boss will be happy about this".

Before I could raise my gun I heard the click of his gun and I knew it was over. Out of nowhere Heir appeared and laid a bullet in this man's head. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically .

"Fucking awesome". I replied with a smile as I turned my gun on him.

Heir held his hands up. "Tia now's not the time for game's. Let me get you to safety" .

"If you mean your cement dungeon then hell no". I said still aiming at his head.

" this is real girl. The shooters aren't my men and they aren't yours either. One of us is under attack".

I laughed. "Like I'm going to believe that. Nice try though" .

Another man approached ready to shoot but Heir quickly popped a bullet into his head without taking his eye's off me. "Look we can do this now if that's what you want but let me inform you that I will eventually run out of bullets".

" Thats okay. I have plenty". I yelled as I sailed a bullet through the throat of an approaching man.

"What the fuck Tia. You just killed someone" . He said astonished.

"Don't be so shocked. You're next". I replied.

" Tia, bullets are flying. Please let me get you out of here alive".

Seeing Misery in the distance in a hand to hand combat I smiled and took aim on her. Before I could pull the trigger I was flying to the floor and disarmed with Heirs weight on me. He placed his hands on the side of my face. "If you allow me to get you out of here alive and swear to leave my family alone I promise I'll go with you. I'll be your prisoner to kill, torture or do what your heart desires" .

I thought this over and not rippled through me. It would thrill my soul to lock Heir away in my newly designed room of hell back home in Germany. Smirking I said. "If you're lying I'll kill you all before daybreak".

It seemed that he almost laughed at my word's but swore to me that he would turn himself over to me.

Within no time Heir had me cleared from the place. Once in the safety of my car he held his wrists out to me. I took a set of handcuffs from my driver's side and slid them on him.

My wildest dreams were about to come true.

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