Day 1

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Ramp Walk

Nandini had been staring outside the balcony, sipping her coffee when she heard the honk of the car. She looked down from the balcony to see Manik stepping down from his car.


"Hey Nandini." Manik waved at her. "Come down."

Nandini looked at him dumbfounded. When he had mentioned about the ten days deal, she really thought he had been joking. She really hadn't expected him to show up that to at her home.

She kept the coffee mug aside and ran downstairs. She pulled the door and there stood Manik Malhotra with his cool dude attitude.

"Why are you here?" Okay that wasn't a good way to welcome a guest.

"I am here for you." Manik said in his ever so cheerful voice. "I want to take you somewhere."

"Me? But-"

"Oh come on you gave me your ten days." Manik paused."You remember right?!"

"Ummm uhh yea I do." Nandini said softly.

"Then come with me." Manik paused for a while, looking at her changing expressions. "Please." Manik added, tilting his head slightly. He looked cute and she couldn't help but give him a small smile.

"Okay-" That word was enough for him to held her hand and pull her out of the door. "But let me-" She added making him freeze on his step.

"Let you."

"Let me change first." She said and he smiled, leaving her hand.

"Come in. I will change and then we can go." She moved aside and let him in.

"Want coffee, tea or something else?" She asked.

"No thanks but yes I do want your precious time."

"My time isn't precious anymore but yours sure is." Nandini said and smiled weakly.

He looked at her and it hurt to see her like this. He remembered how she used to be so cheerful and bubbly in the award functions and the gatherings that he had met her in. She was a person full of life but now it was as if that person never existed in her.

He was determined enough to bring back that Nandini whom he once knew. He roamed his eyes around the photos hanging on the wall. And it wasn't a difficult job to tell that she loved her parents a lot.

"Manik." Her voice broke his trance and he spotted her a few distance away from him all dressed up in her grey oversized hoodie and blue denims. "Let's go." She smiled but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

It was like she had forgotten to smile. But it wasn't her fault. She fought with the demons of the world all by herself for so long and finally the demons succeeded in taking her innocent smile away from her.

After an hour of driving in silence, they reached the place. It wasn't like Manik didn't try to speak with her. He tried carrying out conversations but she simply wasn't opening up.

"Why are we here?" Nandini asked as she walked inside the gate of the grand hall.

"You are going to walk on the ramp." Manik said and smiled.

"What?" Nandini's step froze. "No Manik. I can't do this." Nandini contradicted but Manik wasn't the type of person to back off so easily. He held her hand and dragged her to the backstage.

"Hey Mary here she is." Manik said as he slightly pushed Nandini towards Mary.

Mary smiled. "I am so glad to have met you. I really didn't think you would come in our demonstration class."

Nandini looked at Manik. "Manik I don't think-"

"Nandini even if you don't want to do it, do it for the models who want to see you walk and learn from you." Manik didn't let her complete. Nandini thought for a while before giving in.

"But I need heels."

"Don't worry everything's ready." Manik said as he forwarded a bag towards her. She opened the box that was inside the bag only to see a pair shining black pencil heel.

She wore it and it perfectly fit her. "How did you know my exact size?"

"Just guessed it." Manik said and smiled.

"Oh! thanks."

"Now go." Manik said as he pushed her lightly.

"Uhh umm Do you think I can do it?" Nandini was nervous. She hadn't walked on the ramp for quite a while now.

"Oh come on Nandini you are made for this ramp. This is your world. I know you can do it." He assured but she wasn't fully satisfied with his answer.

He held her and almost dragged her towards the stairs. He pushed her slightly towards the runway.

"I know you can do it." Manik cheered for her. The bright light shined on her and the models sitting there cheered for her. She took a deep breath and made up her mind to do it.

She straightened herself and took a step ahead. In the staring she did feel nervous but with the music her nervousness flew away. She confidently walked on the ramp with attitude and grace. She completely forgot about the models sitting out there.

Once she got to the end of the ramp, she stroke her pose and held it for a while. She winked at the models before breaking her pose and the models cheered for her.

She completed her walk and came back stage while the other model entered the stage.

"It felt so good." Nandini jumped on Manik in excitement, taking him in a hug. He could feel his heart skip a bit and it sure was changing it's beating pace. "I just was lost in my own world. You were right this sure is my world."

The models and few people around there did see them but they weren't into making rumours and assumptions, so they simply smiled looking at them.

"You were amazing out there." Manik said, after calming himself down. Nandini immediately realized their position and she tried breaking the hug.

But Manik held her and pulled her closer. "Stay like this just for a while." Manik whispered under his breath but he knew she heard it. She wasn't sure what she should be doing. So she just stayed still.

"Don't die Nandini. Live for this. This is your world." Manik embraced her tighter and she could feel her heart shiver.

"But the people don't want to see me there." Nandini tried reasoning, her heart still beating faster.

"Don't live on assumptions Nandini." Manik paused. "You never know what they want. And sometimes it's not about people but your inner peace."

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