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Two years later

"Isn't the night sky beautiful?" Nandini turned her head towards the sky, looking at the starry night.

Manik followed her gaze. It was truly  beautiful. The cool breezes passed by and Nandini snuggled more into his arms.

"It's one of my favorite things in the world." Nandini said with a soft smile, leaning her head on his shoulder, looking up at him
"I just love this stars."

"Even more than me?" Manik asked with a cute pout.

Nandini looked at him and let out a soft laugh. "I love you more than anything else."

Manik kissed the top of her head softly, pulling her closer to him,"I love you more Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra. You are my brightest shining star."

Nandini gently pushed herself upward and pecked his lips. Right then the stars were accompanied by fireflies, glowing fireflies.

Nandini looked up and smiled. "You told once that someday this fireflies would glow for me and my true love and see you were right."

Nandini laid down on his lap and looked at the stars. "Manik what did the doctor say about Amms?"

"Nandini the doctor has said that Amms would be fine. So don't worry about her." Manik gently patted her head.

Nandini smiled."And did you give Amms her medicine?"

"Yes I did and she is sleeping right now."

"You know what you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." She looked at him, smilingly.

Manik too smiled. "That should be my line." He leaned closer to her and pecked her lips. "Tomorrow we have to go for the award function. You remember right."

"Uhh.. Yea I do." Nandini smiled. "I am going to wear saree and you will help me wear it. You will right?"

"Of course I will." Manik smiled. "Okay now enough of stargazing let's get some sleep."

"Manik just for a while please."

"No not even for a single minute. You know right doctor has strictly told me to take extra care of you especially during this period."

Nandini made a bad face. "Why can't you for once listen to me? I want to sit here for sometime longer." She was suddenly angry.

Her pregnancy mood swings had been high these days. She was one month pregnant and since a week back she had frequently been having mood swings. But Manik handled her very well with patience and love.

"Nandini please it's not good for your and the baby's health." Manik made his best puppy face.

Nandini glared at him with a super cute pout. "You never listen to me." She complained.

"Please love." Manik said softly and Nandini had to give in.

He gently scooped her in his arms in bridal style and took her out of the balcony and into their room. He gently put her down in the bed and left the room.

After checking all the lights, windows and gas, he came in the room but till he came back she wasn't there on the bed instead she was sitting on the sofa, munching her chocolate.

Manik sighed. "Nandini it's bed time and chocolate at this time of night isn't good."

"But Manik our baby wanted chocolate." Nandini said, cutely, touching her belly.  "And now he is even craving for pizza."

Manik laughed softly, shaking his head a little."Love it's not the time and you know right it might affect your health." Manik explained softly.

Nandini pouted, sadly. Her eyes filling up with big fat tears. "You are so bad."

"Love please try to understand it isn't good for your health and I can't risk your health for anything." He explained softly, cupping her cheeks with both his hand.

Nandini looked at him and sniffed a bit. "Okay not today but tomorrow."

"I promise I will take you to your favorite pizza corner tomorrow."

Nandini smiled, blinking away her tears. He then gently lifted her in his arms and placed her on the bed. After turning off the light, he too laid down beside her.

Nandini looked at him and smiled as she hugged him tightly and snuggled more into his chest."I love you." She whispered.

"Love you too." Manik whispered back and pecked her hair, lightly.

Someone said,"Love the life you live and live the life you love."

So finally here we have come to the end of one beautiful journey. I enjoyed writing it and I hope you loved reading it too.

Thank you to all the readers of Ten Days Ten Reasons. Love ya ❤

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